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 It can be:

  • Physical: hitting, kicking, taking things
  • Verbal: name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks, persistent teasing, sarcasm, threats
  • Indirect: spreading nasty rumours or stories, excluding from social groups, sending malicious emails or text messages
  • Racist: as name calling, discrimination
  • Sexual: unwanted physical contact, abusive comments
  • Homophobic: inappropriate comments about someone's sexuality
  • Emotional: such as ignoring, tormenting, being excluded from social groups

All schools and services in Nottingham are anti-bullying. Schools, services and families must work together to prevent it from happening. In the first instance contact your child’s school to discuss any bullying concerns.

The Warning Signs

Bullying is a difficult and sensitive issue which children are often reluctant to talk about. But there are signs which may suggest your child is being bullied:

  • Reluctance to go to school, including frequent complaints of headaches or stomach aches
  • Behavioural difficulties for no obvious reason
  • Injuries with no feasible explanation
  • Frightened to walk to and from school
  • Having nightmares
  • Stealing money or asking for money,
  • Bruises, scratches or unusual injuries that have no reasonable explanation for them

Taking Action

If you believe your child is being bullied, you should:

  • Talk to your child calmly about what is happening
  • Reassure your child he or she has done the right thing by telling you about it
  • Make a note of what your child tells you
  • Encourage your child to report anything to the teacher
  • Make an appointment to see your child's class teacher or the headteacher
  • Report online videos of bullying and teach them how to stay safe online

What to Say

Tell children to walk away, tell a teacher, adult or friend and to avoid fighting.

Parents - listen to your child, comfort them and tell them that you are there for them.


  • Talk to your child about their school day
  • Teach your child to be kind and respect others from a young age
  • Teach your child that bullying, and prejudice are unacceptable
  • Help them make new friends, join afterschool clubs, develop new interests
  • Focus on the positive and build up their confidence

More Advice and Support 

Visit the websites below for more advice:

Anti-bullying Alliance

Child Line

NSPCC bullying and cyberbullying

Bullying UK (Part of Family Lives)



Contact us

Education Welfare & EOTAS Service
Loxley House
Station Street

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