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City Support Services and Further Information

To find out more information or advice about the exclusion you can find out more by contacting the relevant teams below.

For advice about the exclusion process contact the Access and Inclusion Service at Nottingham City Council. 

The Special Educational Needs Service

Special Educational Needs Service
Building 5 Woolsthorpe Depot
Woolsthorpe Close

Phone: 0115 876 4300

Behaviour Support Team

Phone: 0115 876 2433

CGL Jigsaw

For support with drug and alcohol use issues. CGL Jigsaw work with young people up to the age of 18 to prevent and reduce the risks from drug and alcohol use. They also support families, carers and friends.

The academies aim to provide an environment that is settled and caring and in which pupils can re-engage with education and with their peers. The longer term intention is to reintegrate pupils back into mainstream education wherever appropriate.

Denewood Academy

The Denewood Academy provides continued education for pupils in year 3 to year 9, who live within the City of Nottingham and have been permanently excluded from their mainstream school or academy.

  • Phone: 0115 915 1271
  • Email:

Unity Learning Centre 

Unity Academy provides off-site alternative educational provision for pupils in year 10 and year 11, who live within the City of Nottingham and have been permanently excluded from their mainstream school or academy.

  • Phone: 0115 915 1271

Department for Education’s

You can access the Department for Education’s statutory guidance on exclusions on the Department for Education Website 

Ask Us Nottinghamshire

Parents who consider that their child may have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) may wish to contact Ask Us Nottinghamshire.

Ask Us Nottinghamshire is part of the Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) established in the County. They provide impartial information, advice and support for parents/carers of children with SEND.

You can contact in a number of ways

Independent Parental Special Education Advice

Parents can find more information regarding SEND through the Independent Parental Special Education Advice charity online 

Coram Children's Legal Centre

You may also find it useful to visit Coram Children's Legal Centre who aim to provide free legal advice and information to parents on education matters.

School Exclusion Project

Another useful source of information for advice and free support to parents is the School Exclusion Project Website

The Council for Disabled Children

If your child has a disability, you may find it helpful to contact The Council for Disabled Children

National Autistic Society School Exclusion Service

If your child is on the autism spectrum, you may find it useful to contact National Autistic Society School Exclusion Service. They offer advice and information to parents of children on the autism spectrum on all aspects of school exclusion in England.

Contact us

Access & Inclusion Service

Children and Adults
Loxley House
Station Street
NG2 3NG.

Tel: 01158764700

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