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School Absence Penalty Notice Payment

Completing this service should take around 5 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Unique code from letter

Make a payment

The amount of the penalty is as follows:
If paid within 21 days then the penalty is £80 per pupil
If paid after 21 days but within 28 days then the penalty is £160 per pupil

This notice is issued in accordance with a local code of conduct. Any questions or correspondence about this notice or the local code of conduct should be made in writing and addressed to the Education Welfare and EOTAS Service, Loxley House, Floor 2, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG

Nottingham City Council Code of Conduct in relation to Penalty Notices

A penalty notice may only be withdrawn in the following circumstances:

  • Where it ought not to have been issued i.e. it has been issued outside the terms of the local code of conduct
  • Where it has been issued to the wrong person
  • Where it contains material errors

If you believe that the notice was wrongly issued you should, in the first instance, contact your child's school and discuss your reasons or contact the Education Welfare and EOTAS Service to ask for it to be withdrawn as soon as possible, stating why you believe the notice to have been incorrectly issued. The Local Authority will consider your request and will contact you to let you know whether the notice is withdrawn. If the notice is not withdrawn and you do not pay, you will be liable to prosecution for the offence that your child has failed to attend school regularly.

If you do not pay the penalty and the notice is not withdrawn, you will be prosecuted under section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996 for the offence of failing to ensure your child’s regular attendance at school. You will receive a Single Justice Procedure Notice and charge sheet. The penalty for failing to ensure satisfactory school attendance is a fine up to £1000.

S.23(I) Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 introduced Penalty Notices as and alternative to parents being prosecuted in the Magistrates' Court under the Education Act 1996 in order to address unauthorised absence from school.

To assist the Local Authority in its drive to raise pupil attendance, ensure young people achieve their full potential and raise their educational standards. Penalty Notices are requested by the child's School/Academy.

It is a Notice issued by the Education Welfare and EOTAS Service on behalf of the Local Authority where there is unauthorised absence from school.

Penalty Notices are issued due to either:

  • To a parent whose child is of compulsory school age and has at least 10 unauthorised absences in rolling 10 school weeks or
  • Where a parent takes their child on a period of leave of absence during term time and has
    • Not informed the school
    • Permission is refused by the school
    • The child does not return on the agreed date
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