The local authority is consulting on a proposal to change the 2026/2027 admission arrangements for community schools in Nottingham city from those previously approved.
Community schools in Nottingham are the ones which Nottingham City Council is the admission authority for. This means that the council is responsible for offering or refusing places at these schools.
The consultation period on these admission arrangements runs from 1st October 2024 to 11th November 2024 inclusive.
The changes to the arrangements from those determined for the 2025/2026 school year are:
- Increase Secondary School Preferences: Propose increasing the number of school preferences from 4 to 6 to improve chances of securing a preferred secondary school and streamline the appeals process.
- Extend Waiting List Closing Date: Extending the waiting list for school applications by one month, closing at the end of June instead of May, to accommodate families moving into the area late and ensure fairer placement before the new academic year.
- Year 6 Waiting List: Introduce a waiting list for Year 6 to reduce repeated applications and support vulnerable families, ensuring fairer access to school places.
The changes are reflected also in our coordinated admission schemes which also form part of this consultation. No further changes to the arrangements or the Published Admission Numbers for any city schools are proposed.
To view the proposed arrangements in full, please click the below:
- Proposed Admission Arrangements 2026/2027
- Proposed Coordinated Scheme for Secondary School 2026/2027
- Proposed Coordinated Scheme for Primary School 2026/2027
Have your say
If you live in Nottingham City and are the parent or carer of a child between the ages of 2 and 18 years, or responding on behalf of an own admission authority within Nottingham city, you can let us know your views on the proposals using the below online form.
The easiest way to have your say is to complete the online response form.
Alternatively you can:
write to: School Admissions Consultation 2026/2027
School Admissions Team
LH Box 14, Loxley House
Station Street
The deadline for responding is Monday, 11th November 2024
Feedback submitted to us on this form is monitored but you won’t receive a reply. If you need a response please contact us.