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Intermittent Phone Line Issues |

We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with our phone lines. If you are unable to reach us, you can contact us online. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

Changing Schools or New to the City 

If you have moved address, just arrived in Nottingham, or want your child to change schools, you can use this page to apply online. However, some schools require you to make an application directly to the school and not to Nottingham City Council.  Details of which schools you must apply directly to is detailed below.

  • We aim to process applications within 15 school days of receiving an application. Please do not contact us for a decision on your application until 15 school days have passed.
  • If you wish to apply to a school not located within Nottingham City, you must contact the relevant Local Authority directly to ask for an application form.

Finding a School

If you have moved to a new area, you can find out more about catchment schools and other local schools on our interactive map

Apply for a new school place

Completing this service should take around 10 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Your contact details
  • Address
  • Name, address and date of birth of a child 


  • You should list 4 schools in the order you most prefer. Naming only 1 school does not increase your chances of getting a place at your preferred school. List your preferences in order starting with the one you would most like your child to attend.
  • Remember that living in the catchment area, attending a linked school or having a brother or sister attending a school DOES NOT guarantee that your application will be successful.
  • We recommend that one of the schools on your application should be one where you are sure that your child will meet one of the higher criteria for admission.
  • Make sure you apply in plenty of time ahead of when you need a school place in Nottingham, but you should not apply more than 6 weeks ahead of when you need a school place
Apply for a new School Place

Application Guidance

For information on schools, the application process, including how decisions are made, along with things you should consider prior to making your application, 

Timeline School Admissions Team
Day 0-5

We will operate weekly admission rounds, with a cut-off point of 12 noon on Fridays.

Any application received after 12 noon will be included in the following week’s admission round. 


11-15 Parents

Supplementary Forms for Nottingham City Church Schools

Some schools have a supplementary form that should be completed, as well as the common application form. These forms can be submitted by clicking on the button below.

Supplementary forms

For the schools listed below, different arrangements may apply, and parents are advised to speak directly to the school/academy concerned.

For any school listed above, you must contact the school or academy directly to make an application.

Please note that if you wish to apply for a nursery or post-16 school place, you should apply directly to the school concerned.

Your child must continue to attend their present school until they are admitted to another school (unless they can no longer get there due to a change of area). If they do not, a referral may be made to the Education Welfare Service.

Pupils arriving from overseas

In most cases, children arriving from overseas have the right to attend schools in England.  It is the responsibility of parents to check that their children have a right, under their visa entry conditions, to study at a school. Overseas nationals entering the UK who wish to apply for a state-funded school to check that they have a right of abode or the conditions of their visas otherwise permit them to access a state-funded school.

Contact us

Schools Admissions
Loxley House
Station Street

Phone lines are open 9.30 am and 12.30 pm Monday to Wednesday.

Tel: 0115 841 5568

Contact Us Online
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