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What a Choice Adviser Can do for You

The Choice Advice Service offers impartial guidance, support and information to any parent choosing a school for their child or children who live in Nottingham. 

A choice adviser will aim to make sure you have a full understanding of all the information available and that it is presented clearly to you. This could include:

  • How the school transfer and admissions process works, e.g. offering assistance in filling in forms both for Nottingham and other local authorities
  • Provide impartial information about local schools
  • Help you find out about schools that will best suit your child's needs
  • Tell you about provision for children with special educational needs
  • Inform you about the various admissions policies for different types of schools in the area
  • Give information on travel and uniform policies
  • Discuss options available to you if you are not offered your preferred school. This includes guidance through the appeals process and the equal preference scheme

What 'Choice' You Have

Although we talk about choice, as a parent you only have the right to express a preference for a school for your child or children. If you are deciding for your child who is starting primary or moving to secondary school you should read the Going to School in Nottingham booklet, a guide to admission arrangements for the relevant school year produced by Nottingham City Council School Admissions and Exclusion Team.

Read 'Going to School in Nottingham'

Going to School in Nottingham is our complete brochure of information to help you apply for your child's school place. We encourage all parents and carers to read through the booklet to gather as much information as possible about the application process.

Are the Choice Adviser and information they give impartial and in confidence?

Choice Advice aims to give an impartial service to all parents.  We will offer information and support to help you come to your decision, however, our advisors will not decide for you or give direct advice. They can't recommend or guarantee a place at a school. Confidentiality is always respected and information will only be shared with parent's permission.

Contact Choice Advice Service

Choice Advisors are part of the Children and Families Information Service. The service works across the city offering information, advice and assistance to parents and carers about a wide range of family support issues.
The Children and Families Information Service is operated by Nottingham City Council Children and Families Service.

We can give you advice over the telephone or arrange to meet you face to face. We also organise drop in sessions at primary schools across Nottingham. We are out and about across the City at community events and venues. Look out for us in your area.

Call the Nottingham City Council's Families Information Service on freephone 0800 458 4114 between 8.30am and 5 pm, five days a week.

Further Information 

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