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This page provides access to data for Nottingham schools around on time offers and appeals data.

For further information about schools you can also

On times offers include all offers of school places for Primary and Secondary school made to Parents/Carers and Guardians on National Offer Day. Please note they do not include any late applications. On time offers includes number of preferences, published admission numbers (PAN's) and places allocated. For all oversubscribed community schools the criteria on which school places are allocated is shown. Nottingham City Council is the admission authority for all community schools. The datasets shown are available for Primary and Secondary Schools by academic year of application.

You can view our appeals data on the national government website here.

Appeals data is available for Nottingham City Primary and Secondary Schools by academic year.

Contact us

Phone lines are open 9.30 am and 12.30 pm Monday to Wednesday.

Tel: 01158415568

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