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Section 44 of the Act requires Safeguarding Adults Boards (SAB) to undertake a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) in specific circumstances and places a duty on all Board member agencies to contribute in undertaking the review, sharing information and applying the lessons learnt.

The law requires local SABs to arrange a SAR when an adult with care and support needs in its area dies or experiences significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect (whether known or suspected), and there is concern that partner agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the person at risk.

The purpose of a SAR is not to hold any individual or organisation to account as there are other processes and regulatory bodies available for that purpose; they are about learning lessons for the future.

SARs identify learning, so that all organisations involved can improve as a result.

SARs are completely separate from other investigations that may be occurring, for example by the police, CQC or Coroner, however they can still take account of the findings of those investigations.

SARs completed by Nottingham City SAB will be published here.

To read the files please click on link below to download PDF file. 

SAR Guide for Families

Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County SABs have produced the following guide on Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) for families and loved ones. It contains information about what a SAR is, why they are carried out, what their purpose is and who you need to contact for further information. We hope you find it useful.
To read the Privacy Statement please click on link below to download PDF file.

Safeguarding Adults Review - Privacy Statement

To read the Privacy Statement please click on link below to download PDF file.

Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews targeted briefings

The Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP) safeguarding workstream commissioned Suzy Braye, Michael Preston-Shoot and Research in Practice to undertake a review of SARs published in 2018/18 and 2918/19 to inform future priorities for sector led improvement in safeguarding adults’ practice. This is a ‘once in a decade’ opportunity to identify learning from SARs at a national level, as there is no regular reporting mechanism.

The Local Government Association (LGA) have produced a series of 7 minute briefings for different audiences regarding the findings of the national SAR analysis:

The following best practice guidance on managing the interface between Safeguarding Adults Review and Inquests has been developed by the National SAB Network.

National SAB Guidance on the Interface between SARs and Coronial Processes - October 2024


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Station Street

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