This page provides comprehensive information about Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs). Explore the sections to learn more about how SARs help improve safeguarding practices and protect adults at risk.
Section 44 of the Care Act 2014 requires Safeguarding Adults Boards (SAB) to conduct a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) in certain situations.
- When a SAR is needed:
- An adult with care and support needs dies or suffers significant harm due to abuse or neglect.
- There is concern that partner agencies could have worked better to protect the person.
- Purpose of a SAR:
- To learn lessons for the future, not to blame individuals or organisations.
- To improve safeguarding practices across all involved organisations.
- SARs and other investigations:
- SARs are separate from other investigations (e.g., police, CQC, Coroner).
- They can consider findings from these other investigations.
SARs completed by Nottingham City SAB will be published here. To read the files please click on link below to download PDF file:
- Safeguarding Adults Review - Billy
- From 2nd November 2023, the above SAR for Billy must be read in conjunction with the below Addendum:
- SAR Addendum
- SAR 'Valentina'
- SAR Chris
- What a SAR is
- Why they are carried out
- What their purpose is
- Who to contact for further information.
Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews targeted briefings
The Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP) safeguarding workstream commissioned Suzy Braye, Michael Preston-Shoot and Research in Practice to undertake a review of SARs published in 2018/18 and 2918/19 to inform future priorities for sector led improvement in safeguarding adults’ practice. This review is a rare chance to learn from SARs at a national level since there is no regular reporting system.
The Local Government Association (LGA) have produced a series of 7 minute briefings for different audiences regarding the findings of the national SAR analysis:
- Individuals and their families
- Practitioners
- SAR authors
- Senior leaders
- SAB chairs and business managers
- Elected members
These briefings aim to share key insights and lessons from the national SAR analysis.
The following best practice guidance on managing the interface between Safeguarding Adults Review and Inquests has been developed by the National SAB Network.
National SAB Guidance on the Interface between SARs and Coronial Processes - October 2024
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