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What is Age Friendly Nottingham

Age Friendly Nottingham (AFN) is a partnership of citizens,
 organisations, academics and service providers who are determinedage friendly to build an age friendly future and reduce the stigma and discrimination we face as we age.

Councillor Pavlos Kotsonis, Executive Member for Adults Social Care & Health chairs the Age Friendly Nottingham Steering Group.

Older Citizen's Champion

'AFN has an Older Citizen's Champion in Councillor Linda Woodings, who took over the role in July 2023'.

What AFN Believes

AFN believe all older citizens should have fulfilled lives - feeling valued by all sections of society, living as independently as possible and playing an active role in their local communities. We have built a coalition of partners and built momentum, starting the process of developing the city into a great place to grow older.

AFN is part of a much larger movement. We are a World Health Organisation Age Friendly City and a member of the UK Age Friendly Cities Network. AFN works closely with the Centre for Ageing Better, which develop policy and practice informed by evidence of what works to improve employment, housing, health and communities for people aged 50 plus.

To support the development of AFN older citizen's have come together to develop Nottingham's Older Citizen's Charter. The charter demonstrates the values and standards older citizens expect from Nottingham City Council and partner organisations.

Age Friendly Nottingham has produced it's first Annual Report for the period September 2023 - September 2024, highlighting the engagement and action taken over the last year to improve the outcomes of older people across the city. 

  • Age Friendly Nottingham has produced it's first Annual Report for the period September 2023 - September 2024, highlighting the engagement and action taken over the last year to improve the outcomes of older people across the city. 

Reducing loneliness and isolation is extremely important to older citizens. The Tackling Loneliness Collaborative Nottingham & Nottinghamshire is a partnership-based group that aims to map and support local services tackling loneliness needs within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

AFN has developed a successful initiative called ‘Take a Seat,’ encouraging businesses and organisations across the city to offer a seat to older people to catch their breath when they are out and about. ‘Take a Seat’ was cited as an example of good practice on the Centre for Ageing Better website.

A review of premises taking part is currently underway, but if your business organisation would like to participate or find out more, please email Health and Wellbeing

The following premises are supporting Take a Seat across Nottingham City:

  • Loxley House - Station Street NG2 3NG
  • The Salvation Army - William Booth Memorial Complex NG2 4QG
  • Basford Library - Vernon Road NG6 0AR
  • Bilborough Library - Bracebridge Drive NG8 4PN
  • Bulwell Riverside Library - Main Street Bulwell NG6 8QJ
  • Clifton Library - Southchurch Drive NG11 8AB
  • Dales Central Library - 206 Sneinton Dale NG2 4HJ
  • Hyson Green Library - Mary Potter Centre - 76 Gregory Boulevard NG7 5HY
  • Nottingham Central Library - 1 Carrington Street NG1 7FH
  • Nottingham Tourism & Travel Centre - 1-4 Smithy Row (next to Old Market Square), NG1 2BY
  • Radford - Lenton Library - Lenton Boulevard NG7 2BY
  • Southglade Park Library - Southglade Road NG5 5GU
  • St Anns Valley Library - St Anns Valley Centre NG3 3GG
  • Strelley Road Library - Strelley Road NG8 3BJ
  • The Meadows Library - Wilford Grove NG2 2DR
  • Wollaton Library - Bramcote Lane NG8 2NA

International Day of Older People (IDOP)

International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) is celebrated annually on 1st October. In recognition of the contribution older citizens make to Nottingham city life, the Council House on Old Market Square, will be lit up purple on 2nd October

Active retirement

Nottingham City Directory of activities, groups, sports and more

Dementia Support & Activities

Nottingham City Directory of activities, groups, resources, support and more

Staying in touch with Age Friendly Nottingham

If you want to learn more about Age Friendly Nottingham, please get in touch.

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