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We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

We want to know of any comments, suggestions or complaints you may have about the social care services provided by Adult’s or Children’s Social Care.

If you have concerns about our social care services, then you have a right to complain.

The Social Care and Complaints Service

The Social Care and Complaints Service manages the social care complaints procedure made by anyone receiving social care services or affected by the actions or decisions of Adults Social Care Social or Children Services.

We aim to improve the quality of service provision by listening and responding to the views of service users.

The Social Care Complaints Service operates a statutory complaints procedure. The process differs for adult and children's services.

Adult’s Services complaints procedure

Tell us about your complaint
If you are not satisfied with the service you have received then if possible talk to the people who provide this service or complain to the Complaints Team. When we receive the complaint, we will acknowledge within 3 working days

You can contact the Complaint Team using the contact details in the “Contact us” section. Alternatively, you can submit your complaint online using the link below:

Adult Social Care Complaints - Nottingham City Council

Handling Your Complaint
We will decide on appropriate complaints handling within 10 working days and let you know.

Consider Your Complaint
We will look into your complaint within 60 working days. We will then inform you what we're going to do to resolve it.

If you feel that you require the assistance of an advocacy service to support you through the complaints process, contact POhWER (Adults Advocacy Service), who may be able to help you.

Children’s Services complaints procedure

There are three stages to the statutory complaints process:

There are three stages to the statutory complaints process:

Stage 1

Local resolution
We expect to resolve the majority of our complaints at this point. A complaints officer will ensure your complaint is passed to the relevant senior manager for them to consider and provide you with a written response. This should be provided within 10 to 20 working days.

If you have not received a response within the timescale, or if you feel that your complaint has not been resolved at stage 1, you can request that your complaint is considered at stage 2.

Stage 2

An investigator (who may be independent) will work with an independent person to investigate your complaint. They will discuss your complaint with you and any desired outcomes you may have. The investigator will interview the staff involved in your complaint and view the relevant records and documents. The investigator will write a very detailed report to explain their findings. The report will show whether the investigator has upheld or not upheld your complaints, and it will include any recommendations the investigator may have for Children and Families.

The timescale for the investigation is 25 working days, although this may be extended to 65 working days.

Stage 3

Review panel

If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your complaint at the end of stage 2, you can request that it is considered by a review panel. The panel consists of three independent people. Also in attendance at the panel will be the complainant and any advocate they may have, the investigator, the independent person and a senior manager from Children and Families. The panel will review the complaints process and it may make further recommendations.

Local Government Ombudsman:

 If you are still unhappy after stage 3, you can take your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman: 0845 602 1983

Advocacy services may be available to any young person who needs or wishes to be supported through the complaints process. The Children’s advocacy - Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire Children's Rights Services can be contacted on: 

Phone: 07785 435219 

Phone: 07385 049968 

Out of Hours - Monday - Friday from 5pm - 8pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am - 4pm 
Phone: 0300 303 5355 

Visit: Children's advocacy - Nottingham City Children’s Right’s Services

If you wish to discuss any of these issues, please give me a call on Teams or on 0115 87 65973.


Contact us

Social Care Complaints
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 0115 8765974

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