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The Dual Sensory Service

We provide services to children and adults who experience difficulty with both their vision and hearing. This includes blind and partially sighted people who are also deaf or hard of hearing.

The service provides specialist knowledge and skills that can enable people to continue with many every day activities such as:

  • Helping you to develop skills such as mobility to enable independent travel and daily living activities such as preparing meals
  • Providing access to other services and organisations such as Talking Book Machines and the community fire service
  • Providing advice and information about applying for special equipment and funding
  • Delivering training such as typing, teaching you and those close to you the Deafblind manual and other communication methods
  • Access to information such as helping you get your bills in large print

Anyone with a dual sensory impairment can be referred to us. Many people refer themselves, but others are referred by the hospital, family, friends, neighbours or other professionals.

Assessment: In order to find out what type of support you may need we will work in partnership with you, your family, your carer and other professionals, such as your GP, to complete an assessment.

Our assessment and use of our eligibility criteria will assist us to decide if you or a carer qualify for a service. Alternatively we may recommend other services, voluntary organisations, self-help groups or specialist equipment.

Registration: Information on registering as severely sight impaired/blind or sight impaired/partially sighted is offered. We also keep a voluntary register of people who have a dual sensory impairment.

Equipment Loan Service: The Team has a small sample of specialist equipment that can be issued on loan for a limited period so you can check it is suitable before purchasing.

Other Support

You can find support and services for visually impaired people on the Notts Help Yourself website 

Other relevant services 

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