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Help and support for unpaid carers Heart and Hand

I Care For Someone Else

  • Do you look after someone who would struggle to cope without your support?
  • Is the care unpaid?

If this sounds like you, you may be a carer.

If someone relies on you regularly to provide unpaid care or support ( this could be your partner, family member or friend) who, due to being elderly or frail, illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction, cannot cope without your support, you are a carer.

You are a carer if you care for an adult or a disabled child (e.g. parent/ guardian or sibling).

You can access services to support you as a carer, and services may also be provided or arranged for the person you care for, with their consent, to help you in your caring role.

Support for you as a carer

There are services available to support unpaid carers of all ages living in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire:

  • Carers Hub Service primarily supports adult carers (age 18+).Where young carers (age under 18) contact the Service a referral will be made to Young Carers Notts for tailored support
  • Young Carers Notts supports young carers (age 5-17).

As a carer you have a right to an assessment/ identification of your needs, your carers support service can assess your needs, and put in a place a support plan.

They can also offer you information, advice, and guidance, 1:1 support, group support and activities.

For more information on what the services can do for you, and how to access them see tabs below.

Are you an adult?( age 18+) Do you look after someone (adult or child) who would struggle to cope withoutContact Carers Hub Services your support? If this sounds like you, you may be a carer.

Service overview

The Carers Hub Service (CHS) is a free and confidential service that supports unpaid Adult Carers living in Nottingham City or Nottinghamshire.

ACH provides a support service for carers by giving them an opportunity to meet other adult carers through support groups, helping them to reduce isolation and loneliness and to access the help and support they need.

Best of all, the Nottingham/ Nottinghamshire Carers Hub Service encourages carers to have a say in what types of support they would like (or dislike!) to ensure the service provides them with exactly what they need.

With CHS you can…

  • Meet other carers in-and-around Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
  • Take a break from your caring role
  • Receive advice and information
  • Sign posting to other specialist services
  • Be assigned a dedicated support worker
  • Access to one number and online chat if required
  • Access to WhatsApp/ text messaging
  • Support with carers assessments
  • Support with accessing respite
  • Take part in reshaping the service in line with the local and national carers strategy

Professionals working with carers

Carers Hub Service also works in partnership with organisations and individuals who may already be working with carers to support them to increase identification of carers and promote the support available to them.

The aim of the service is to improve carers quality of life, including their physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Partners include:

  • Education and training providers, employers
  • GPs and pharmacies
  • Health professionals
  • Social services
  • Third sector organisations

The service is funded by Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council in partnership with NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Contact Carers Hub Services (carers age 18+)

Service Overview

Are you a young person aged 5-17? Do you look after someoneTu Vida Logo (adult or child) who would struggle to cope without your support? If this sounds like you, you may be a young carer.

Practical help and advice for young carers

Young Carers Notts is a free and confidential service that supports unpaid young carers aged 5-17 who live in Nottinghamshire and the City of Nottingham to take a break and get practical advice and information about caring.

The service offers young carers a one-stop-shop for young carers to join group sessions, access short breaks, socialise with other young carers, take part in fun activities, and access advice support to help them in their care role.

Young Carers Notts offer:

  • Carers assessments
  • Access to young carers ID cards
  • Contingency planning and support
  • Group based peer support
  • Activities and social events
  • Outreach and drop-in sessions

Professionals working with young people

Young Carers Notts also works in partnership with organisations and individuals who may already be working with young people who are carers to support them to increase identification of young carers and promote the support available to them.

The aim of the service is to improve young carers quality of life, including their physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Partners include:

  • Schools and colleges
  • Education providers and youth services
  • GPs and pharmacies
  • Health professionals
  • Social services
  • Third sector organisations

Young Carers Notts is run in partnership with Nottinghamshire Carers Association. The service is funded by Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council in partnership with NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Contact Young Carers Notts ( carers aged 5-17)

Contact Carers Hub ServicesRespite care can give the person you care for the chance to enjoy new experiences and to talk to somebody new. In turn, this means carers receive a break from caring and time to recharge their batteries.

Respite care through the Carers Respite service ( Tu Vida)

Do you live in Nottingham City or registered with a City GP? You may be eligible for up to 100 free hours of respite within a 12 month period.

The Carers Respite Service delivered by Tu Vida can provide an experienced care worker to offer replacement care and support and positive social interaction and engagement for the person you care within their own home or their local community ( e.g. walk to the park, shops or their pre-existing activity) and can be used for:

  • Planned short breaks eg; a few hours away from the home to re-charge your batteries, shopping, visit a friend, go for a walk, have a lie down, attend an appointment, wedding or funeral
  • Emergency cover eg: someone to provide care and support if you have a short term illness or need ongoing treatment
  • Provide engaging social activities for the cared for
  • Available 7 days a week including bank holidays
  • Night sits (subject to availability)

For more information on accessing the Carers Respite Service please Contact Carers Hub Services (CHS).

You will be able to speak with an experienced support worker Mon to Fri 9.00am-5.00pm who will talk to assess you and your and cared-for person’s needs. If you are eligible, they will refer you into the Carers Respite service provided by Tu Vida.

Contact Carers Hub Services (carers age 18+)

Care and support through Adult Social Care (ASC)
Nottingham City Health and Care Point.

Your cared-for person may be eligible to access a care and support package through Adult Social Care in their own right ( this will be means tested).

If your cared-for person is eligible to access a form of replacement care (e.g. homecare, residential, daycentres, direct payments) through ASC this may provide you with a break from caring.

If your query or concern is urgent and it is outside these hours, please call the Emergency Duty Team on 0115 876 1000.

Breaks for carers of disabled children 

Carers of disabled children can apply to access replacement care and whole family support through the pathways for Short Breaks for Disabled Children/ The Whole Life Disability service dependent on the level of need of the child.

The TuVida Website can provide you with information on other groups or services you could go to for advice on specific conditions.

Or you could also look at:

  • Carers UK, provides advice and support for carers. Carers UK
  • Carers Trust UK, a National charity supporting carers. Carers Trust UK
  • Include, Children’s Society initiative supporting young carers and their families, Advice and support for young carers  (
  • Contact A Family, supporting families of disabled children, or call: 0808 808 3555
  • Alzheimer's Society, for Alzheimer's and Dementia. Tel: 0115 934 3800, Alzheimer's Society,
  • MIND, helping people with mental ill-health, MIND, 
  • SANE, helping people affected by mental illness, or call: 0300 304 7000, SANE,
  • SCOPE, a National charity supporting people with a disability, or call: 0808 800 3333, SCOPE
  • Mencap, a National charity supporting people with a learning disability, Mencap,
  • Headway, support after a brain injury, or call: 0115 924 0800, Headway,

We welcome the publication of our new Joint Carers Strategy which sets out what we will do together to improve the health and wellbeing of unpaid carers across the whole health and social care system in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County over the next 5 years.

The Strategy can be accessed by clicking here and downloading the PDF file

This strategy has been co-produced by carers from Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County, Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

The Carers Strategy Action Plan is currently being developed which sits behind the strategy and shows the actions that are needed to make the strategy happen.

Our Council's and wider partners will self assess how we currently meet the overarching 'I' and 'We' statements within the strategy and commit to actions to improve support for carers.

The Action Plan will sit with the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) and partners will report to the ICS Board for accountability.

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