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Public Health Nottingham City aims to improve the health of our population

By identifying the needs of people in Nottingham, we can provide services to help meet them over time. This includes the prevention of illness, planning health services, and protecting the public from transferable diseases and environmental hazards.

Public Health traditionally breaks down into three areas:

  • Health Improvement
  • Health Protection
  • Commissioning and services

Some particular areas include:

  • Tobacco control  
  • Substance misuse
  • Sexual health
  • Children and young people
  • Mental health
  • Obesity and physical activity
  • Oral health
  • Long-term conditions
  • Older people

Our strategy for improvement

Improving the health and life expectancy of our citizens is a priority for the city council and its partners. We have set out how we will address this in our Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Nottingham 2022-25.

You can download and view our PDF document by clicking link below.

Strategic Framework

We work with the Health and Wellbeing Board, alongside the Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), third-sector organisations, and other partners to identify and tackle shared goals.

The work we do and the targets that we set are aligned to Nottingham's 2020 plan to target and improve the health of our citizens and tackle health inequalities in the city.

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory body created to oversee and drive forward health and wellbeing priorities in the City. The board includes councillors, officers, and other partners including Nottingham City CCG.

You can find out more about the board by clicking below.


Healthwatch Nottingham is an organisation that champions the local community voice of all citizens, service users, and carers of health and social care services.

You can find out more about the Notts Healthwatch by

One Nottingham

One Nottingham is the strategic partnership for the City, bringing together public, private, voluntary and community sector organisations to champion our long-term vision for Nottingham and tackle disadvantage.

Director of Public Health Annual Public Health Report 2022-2023

Directors of Public Health in England have a statutory duty to write an Annual Public Health Report (APHR) which is an independent statement about health within their communities. This year’s report focuses on 10 years of public health in local government, after the transfer of responsibilities from the NHS in 2013.

The report celebrates some of the key public health work undertaken by the team over the past decade. It concludes with a section looking forward to the future of public health in Nottingham, illustrating work that will be implemented in 2024, and exploring NCC’s role in developing a public health workforce for the future.

It is the joint responsibility of local authorities and the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to prepare Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs).

JSNA chapters have been created on a series of individual health and wellbeing issues looking at the level of need in our communities and at the services in place to address it.

They are used to determining what actions partners need to take to meet health and social care needs and to address the wider determinants that impact on health and wellbeing.

All of Nottingham City JSNA chapters can be found on Nottingham Insight Pages.

We work into the Public Health Outcomes Framework which sets local health indicators. Objectives that we should be looking to achieve to increase healthy life expectancy and reduce health inequalities.

More information and updates can be found by visiting:

The aim of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is to enable understanding of the pharmaceutical needs of our local population and, where necessary, use this information to develop new services. The PNA is used to inform the commissioning process with respect to pharmaceutical needs in Nottingham.

More information can be found by visiting:

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