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Registered Providers, also referred to as Housing Associations, provide social rented, affordable and leasehold housing.

Nottingham HomeLink Partners

Click below to visit their website:

Please see the following link for a list of all registered providers, which is regularly updated by the Central Government.

What type of housing do they provide?

A majority of Registered Providers offer houses, flats, bungalows or maisonettes to rent. Some also let properties aimed at meeting the housing needs of the elderly, people with disabilities and those which specialised housing needs.

What do I have to do if I want this type of accommodation?

Firstly, contact should be made with the Nottingham HomeLink Team to ascertain whether you qualify for housing. A large majority of Registered Providers in Nottingham let their homes via the Nottingham HomeLink website

Alternatively, a full list of Registered Providers who operate in the city is available below. The providers who are not a part of Nottingham HomeLink should be contacted independently.

What sort of Low-Cost Home Ownership properties do they provide?

Some Registered Providers provide homes for sale through low-cost home ownership and shared ownership (part buy or part sale) schemes. For further information about these schemes, contact should be made directly with the Registered Provider.

Registered Providers operating in Nottingham

Organisation Name


Contact Form

Accent Group* 0345 678 0555 Accent Group Contact Form
Advance Housing and Support 0333 012 4307 Advance Contact Form
Amplius 0800 111 4013 Amplius Contact Form
Anchor Housing Trust (part of Anchor Hanover Group) 0808 102 6389 Anchor Contact Form
East Midlands Homes 0300 123 6000 East Midlands Homes Contact Form
Framework 0115 841 7711 Framework Contact Form
Guinness Partnership* 0303 123 1890 Guinness Partnership Contact Form
Hanover Housing Association 0148 047 5069 Hanover Contact Form
Housing 21 and Care 0370 192 4000 Housing 21 Contact Form
Jigsaw Midlands - Creating homes. Building lives 0115 905 1515 or 0300 011 1144 Jigsaw Midland Contact
Johnnie Johnson 345 305 5335 Johnnie Johnson Contact Form
Metropolitan Thames Valley* 20 3535 3535 Metropolitan Contact Form
Midland Heart 0345 602 0540> Midland Heart Contact Form
MRBHA (Mansfield Road Baptist Housing Association) 0115 942 1508


MRBHA Contact Form
Nottingham Community Housing Association (NCHA)* 0800 013 8555
0115 844 3150

NCHA Contact Form

PA Housing*

0300 123 2221

PA Contact Form

Places for People 01772 667002 Contact us - Places for People
Stonewater* 0120 231 9119 Stonewater Contact Form
Salvation Army Housing Association 0800 970 6363 Salvation Army Contact Form
The Riverside Group 0345 111 0000 Riverside Contact Form
Tuntum Housing Association* 0115 916 6066 Tuntum Contact Form
Nottingham City Council Housing Services 0115 915 2222 Nottingham City Council Housing Services Contact Form
Platform Housing 0333 200 7304 - emergencies only Platform Housing Contact Information
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