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Community & Family Learning

Community & Family Learning courses have already improved lives of many adults living in Nottingham. Our creative courses are designed to inspire and give adults the confidence to learn again, develop new skills and achieve personal goals.

What is Community & Family Learning?

Community & Family Learning is a partnership of high-quality training providers who are part-funded by Nottingham City Council. Together, the partnership offers a wide range of creative and engaging courses that are delivered in the heart of local communities.

For 2023/24, the partnership includes:

  • Belong
  • Creative Paths (EM) CIC
  • Life Education East Midlands
  • Nottingham College
  • Nottingham Ice Arena
  • Second Chance Learning Academy

For our complete list of course see our prospectus Next Steps.

Who is Community & Family Learning for?

Community & Family Learning is for adults of all backgrounds aged 19+ who want to gain new skills to improve their own learning, support their children’s learning and/or develop work skills to improve chances of employment or promotion. We offer a range of courses that:

  • Encourage adults to take the first steps back into learning
  • Improve basic literacy, including ESOL
  • Improve numeracy skills, including budget management
  • Develop techniques to manage personal health & wellbeing
  • Improve digital skills and online safety
  • Support adults to improve their personal development and work-related skills

Are Community & Family Learning courses free?

All our courses are free if you are aged 19+ and:

  • Actively looking for work or considering your future work options
  • In receipt of eligible benefits and would like to improve your skills
  • Working, but earning less than £20,319 per year

Contact Us

Start your learning journey today by emailing or calling 0115 876 4508. Our helpful team can support you to identify the perfect course to meet your needs.

Community & Family Learning is an Ofsted Good provider. The service is managed by Nottingham City Council with funding from the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

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