If you’re parking in Nottingham, the type of permit you need depends on your situation. Below is a guide to help you determine the right parking permit for your needs.
Resident Parking Permits
If you live within a controlled parking zone, you may need a Resident Parking Permit to park near your home. These permits ensure that parking spaces are available for local residents.
Who is it for? Nottingham residents living in designated parking zones.
What the permit is for: Parking in a controlled parking zone near your home.
What you'll need to apply:
- Your name and contact details
- Vehicle registration number(s) and make(s)
- A valid council tax bill
- A certificate of motor insurance (not required for a visitors' permit)
- Proof of address
Student Parking Permits
Students living in Nottingham may be eligible for a parking permit if they reside in specific zones.
Who is it for? Students living in controlled parking areas.
What the permit is for: Convenient parking close to your student accommodation.
What you'll need to apply:
- Proof of address (copy of signed tenancy agreement)
- A copy of the Motor Insurance Certificate showing you as the named driver (not required for visitor permits)
- Residents living in a flat will also be required to provide a water rates bill
Business Parking Permits
Businesses in Nottingham may apply for permits to accommodate their staff or company vehicles at premises located within Residential Parking Scheme areas.
Who is it for? Local businesses operating within controlled parking areas.
What the permit is for: Parking for employees and operational vehicles.
What you'll need to apply:
- Your business name
- Vehicle make, model and registration number
- Motor Insurance certificate
- Proof of business (business rates or utility bill dated within the last 3 months)
- Name and contact details
Restricted Access Permits
Restricted Access Permits are designed for vehicles needing access to restricted areas during specified times.
Who is it for? Individuals or businesses needing access to restricted zones.
What the permit is for: Ensures access to areas with parking limitations.
What you'll need to apply:
Resident Dispensation Parking Permits
These permits are for official visitors, such as health and social workers, or contractors who need to visit or carry out work at properties in a Residential Parking Scheme area.
Who is it for? Health and social workers, contractors, or other official visitors.
What the permit is for: Temporary relief for specific parking needs.
What you'll need to apply: Provide details of the required dispensation period and purpose.
Workshop Dispensation Permits
Workshop Dispensation Permits allow vehicles used as a mobile workshop to park in restricted areas while carrying out work.
Who is it for? Tradespeople and contractors working in restricted zones.
What the permit is for: Convenient parking close to job sites.
What you'll need to apply:
- Company name
- City wide contract (if applicable)
- Proof of business
- Photographs of VRM and vehicle
- Vehicle make, model and registration number
Contact us
Nottingham City Council
Parking Regulation & Compliance
PO Box 10169
Tel: 0115 876 1966
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