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Share Your Thoughts on the Council |

We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

To tell us about other parking problems please report it online. You will not get a response from us to your report unless we need more details. This is because we get a high number of illegal parking reports and cannot respond to each one. 

We cannot target individual vehicles reported to us – this is because such action could mean we were not enforcing parking controls in a fair and consistent way. 

We offer advice and guidance to drivers about parking dangerously if we are engaged in enforcement in the area. However, we have no legal powers to handle dangerous parking, which would fall within the jurisdiction of the police in some circumstances. 

Any issue of a vehicle parked dangerously or causing an obstruction is a matter for the police.

The police can also address offences of:

  • Wilful and unnecessary obstruction on the road or footway 
    the blocking of pedestrian/disabled crossing points and vehicle access crossings
  • Dangerous parking on chevrons at pedestrian crossings
    parking on a road where there are double white lines and issues of double parking (vehicles parked more than 50cm from the kerb line)
  • Parking too close to a junction.

Moving traffic offences remain the responsibility of the police.

These offences may be subject to immediate fine and do not come under the remit of civil enforcement officers.

To report dangerous parking, please telephone the police on 101 or use their website.

Report now

To report the misuse of a disabled Blue Badge or parking permit.

Report now

To report unwanted or untaxed vehicles in Nottingham.

Report Abandoned, Untaxed and Unwanted Vehicles

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