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What we do in Tree Services

  • Trees bring many benefits, such as reducing pollution and enhancing the local environment but occasionally they can cause problems
  • Nottingham City Council has a duty to ensure that trees under our control are maintained so that their condition or location does not pose an unreasonable risk to people or property
  • Throughout the year we have an ongoing programme of checking trees across the city and doing essential work such as pruning
  • We inspect trees on Council-owned streets at a minimum of every three years

We take action when trees affect:

  • The safety of people or property (as assessed by a professional arboriculturalists)
  • Safety on our roads, such as low branches overhanging a road or when trees obscure road signs or street lamps
  • The structure of a building. We will carry out work to tree roots if clear evidence can be provided that a tree is causing subsidence

However, we are unlikely to carry out work if trees are: 

  • Obscuring a view
  • Causing loss of light
  • Obstructing solar panels
  • Perceived to be too large
  • Causing interference to TV, satellite or radio equipment reception
  • Affecting power cables or phone lines - please contact your provider
  • Shedding honeydew or sticky deposits
  • Shedding petals, pollen, leaves, seeds or fruit

When to report a tree

You can enquire here about trees in these situations:

  • On streets, roads and other adopted highways
  • On Nottingham City Homes managed estates
  • Within the gardens of Nottingham City Homes tenants
  • Within parks, council-owned open spaces, cemeteries, and allotments

However, you cannot report a tree if it is in:

  • Private gardens
  • Leasehold gardens
  • Gardens owned by other housing associations

Please click here to report a tree

Did you know Nottingham City Council manages around 100,000 individual trees, along with over 100 hectares of woods?

Environment Act 2021: Section 115 Local highway authorities in England to consult before felling street trees

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Find out more information below

  • Chalara ash dieback is a serious disease of ash trees caused by a fungus called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
  • The disease causes leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees and will lead to an estimated 80% death of the UK ash tree population. It is potentially a very serious threat
  • Tree Officers are inspecting ash trees in Nottingham and ash tree removals have started where a diseased tree may lead to an unacceptable risk to the safety of citizens of property

More information can be found on the RHS Website

  • The Nottingham Urban Forest Strategy 2012-2020 is a key document for the city setting out a framework for the planning and management of the city's urban forest
  • The City Council is committed to the high quality and proactive management of its tree stock and has defined its vision for the future of trees and woodlands in the city
  • The Urban Forest Strategy is currently being reviewed to include a specific Tree Planting Assessment to indicate the most important areas to focus tree planting in the city

The latest strategy document can be downloaded below:

Download the Urban Forest Strategy

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