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We currently have a power cut at our head office which is affecting our phone systems and online services. 

This document provides planning guidance for The Park Conservation Area, a historic residential estate of national interest located immediately west of Nottingham City Centre. The Conservation Area Appraisal forms the primary evidence base for the special character and appearance of the area. The Management Plan provides supplementary guidance to policies set out within the adopted Nottingham City Local Plan.

You can view the The Park Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Plan document by clicking below and download the PDF

You can view the supporting documents by clicking below and download the PDF

Please contact the Planning Policy Team by emailing if you have any queries or would like more information.

As staff are hybrid working, if you would like to speak to an officer on the phone please email with your phone number and we will contact you.

Contact us

LH Box 5
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158764447

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