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Intermittent Phone Line Issues |

We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with our phone lines. If you are unable to reach us, you can contact us online. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

Nottingham City Council’s Taxi Licensing team are working to make sure your trip in a taxi in the city is safe, pleasant, and of good value.

Know your cabs hackney cab versus private hire vehicle

HAC cabs and PH Cabs

Know Your Cab

Hackney Cabs

  • Can be hailed in the street or at ranks around the city
  • Can also be pre-booked, we recommend the 'Free now' app as a great way to book Hackney Cabs
  • Cannot refuse a journey due to it being a short distance, please tell us if this happens
  • Cannot charge an extra fee per passenger, the total cost should be the same regardless of the number of passengers
  • Have the Nottingham City Council coat of arms displayed on both front door panels
  • Display white licence plates on the front and rear of the vehicle and a small plate inside the vehicle with the words 'Nottingham City Council', a three-digit number, vehicle registration number, and expiry date of licence
  • Hackney Cabs have a fare meter and fare chart displayed inside the vehicle. Meters must be used for any journey within the City boundary, but a fare may be negotiated if the journey ends outside the City boundary

Click below to download a vehicle list.

Private Hire Vehicles

  • The cars you book in advance by phone, online, or using an app
  • If you haven’t pre-booked, do not get into a private hire vehicle, you won’t be insured. If a private hire vehicle is plying for your trade, please tell us about it
  • When booking always ask for an estimate of the fare as not all Private Hire vehicles have meters
  • All vehicles can carry up to a maximum of eight passengers dependent on the make and model of the vehicle
  • They display yellow licence plates on the front and rear of the vehicle and a small plate inside on the vehicle windscreen with the words 'Nottingham City Council', a three or four-digit number, vehicle registration number, and expiry date of licence
  • They have the name of the Private Hire company displayed on the side of the vehicle

Click below to download a vehicle list.

All Nottingham City Council licensed hackney carriages are wheelchair accessible.

The following Nottingham City Council licensed private hire operators to provide wheelchair accessible vehicles:

Click below to download a vehicle list.

Make a complaint or compliment about a Nottingham taxi

You can complain about a Hackney Carriage or a Private Hire vehicle or driver licensed by Nottingham City Council (if they were licensed here, the Nottingham City Council logo will be displayed on their taxi badge on the outside of their vehicle). We want to hear from you if :

  • A hackney cab refused your short journey
  • You were overcharged
  • You experienced poor customer service or driving
  • You travelled in a vehicle which had issues (such as broken seatbelts)
  • You experienced a private hire vehicle illegally plying for hire
  • You experienced a taxi causing a noise nuisance

We'd also like to hear from you if you have a compliment to pass on about your experience in a Nottingham taxi.

The best way to contact us is by email, one of our team will acknowledge your complaint, and we’ll also get in touch to tell you the result of your complaint once it’s been investigated.

To stay safe while using licensed taxis and private hire vehicles, please make sure you:

  • Never get into a private hire vehicle if you have not booked it through an operator – whether that’s by phone, online or via an app
  • Check that the vehicle you’re getting into is the vehicle you booked
  • Don’t tell the driver your name; ask what name is on the booking
  • Lookout for the required taxi signage on the vehicle
  • Always try to take down the vehicle's plate number or registration number
  • All drivers licensed by Nottingham City Council are issued with a badge displaying their photo, licence number and expiry date which must be displayed either on the person or in the vehicle at all times – if you cannot see a badge do not get into the vehicle
  • After nights out try to travel with friends and check that the last person dropped off made it home safely 
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