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Share Your Thoughts on the Council |

We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

For support, please contact one of the organisations listed below:

Nottingham Citizens Advice
Call: 0808 278 7974
Visit: Citizens Advice Nottingham & District

Nottingham Law Centre
Call: 0115 9787813
Visit: Nottingham Law Centre

St Anns Advice Centre
Call: 0115 9506867
Visit: St Anns Advice Centre

Disability Support
Call: 0115 9785095

Deaf Society
Call: 18001 0115 9887579

Signpost to Polish Success
Call: 0115 978 1396  or  0115 970 0446
Visit: EMPP Website

Ask Lion
Visit: ASKLiON |Nottingham City Directory  (list of various agencies)

Step Change (Debt)
Call: 0800138 1111

National Debt Line
Call: 0808 808 4000

Call: 0800 280 2816

Step Forward Money Advice
Call: 0115 988 7069 / 07595002212

AGE UK - can offer benefit checks/possible MRs
Telephone: 0115 844 0011
Website: Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire

Independent Age (over 65’s)
Call: Telephone: 0115 811 4300
Helpline Call: 0800 319 6789
Visit: Independent Age

Tenants of one of these organisations, may be able to help:

Nottingham City Council
Call: 0115 915 4920
Text: Text DOSH to 80800 followed by your name and message and we'll call you back for free.

PA housing
Call: 0300 123 2221

Nottingham Community Housing Association - NCHA
Call: 0800 013 8555

Metropolitan Thames Valley
Call: 0203 535 3535

Places for People
Call: 01772 666446

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