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Clifton East Ward Councillor.

This page provides you with information about your local Nottingham City Councillor.

As one of your Local Councillors it is my job to take account of your views. I need your feedback to help make informed democratic decisions about issues which affect everyone.

For information regarding Councillor Surgeries and local services, please visit the Clifton East Ward and Surgery Details page.

Information and detailsCouncillor Kirsty Jones

Ward: Clifton East
Party: Nottingham Independents

Biographical details 

Kirsty grew up in a village in West Oxfordshire and moved to Nottingham in 2010 to study at the University of Nottingham. After nearly five years as a paediatric nurse, Kirsty changed career and worked at Nottingham City Council Housing Aid for nearly four years. Kirsty currently works as a part-time administrator at the Dryden Enterprise Centre, Nottingham Trent University. Kirsty has been active in workplace and community unions and campaigned on many issues, particularly in relation to the environment.

Committees, Attendance and Voting Table

Register of Interests

Annual Reports

Gifts and Hospitality

Your data matters! How I look after your data.

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Contact us

LH Box 28,
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 07704315124

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