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Meadows ward.

This page provides you with information about your local Nottingham City Councillor.

I publish regular updates of news and progress of The Meadows on my web-site and at public meetings. Concerns reported to me are reported for action.

I am currently Chair of the Planning committee and a member of the Board of Enviroenergy. I particularly look out for opportunities to mitigate impacts on the environment.

For information regarding Councillor Surgeries and local services, please visit the Meadows Ward ard and Surgery Details page.

Information and Details

Ward: Meadows ward
Party: Labour

Biographical detailsCouncillor Michael Edwards

Michael has served as a councillor for 27 years, representing the Meadows since 2011.Before, Michael worked at British Rail Computing for 17 years. Michael’s blog - "News and Political Views" - includes monthly progress reports and articles on current issues such as Europe and Climate Change.

Committees, Attendance and Voting Record

Click Here to view Committees, Attendance and Voting Record

Membership of Outside Organisations

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Register of Interests

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Annual Report

Gifts and Hospitality

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