Statements of Accounts
Below you will find the Council’s published Statement of Accounts and any associated documentation.
Statement of Accounts 2023-24
The 2023-24 Statement of Accounts have been finalised and published, and the audit process has been completed. The certificate of completion has not yet been issued. This is because the auditors are unable to fully conclude the audit and provide the audit certificate for the year ended 31 March 2024 until the National Audit Office completes its work on the Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) for the same period. This requirement is in accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Code of Audit Practice.
- Final Statement of Accounts 2015-16
- Final Statement of Accounts 2014-15
- Final Statement of Accounts 2013-14
- Final Statement of Accounts 2012-13
- Final Statement of Accounts 2011-12
- Final Statement of Accounts 2010-11
- Final Statement of Accounts 2009-10
- Final Statement of Accounts 2008-09
- Notice of Audit Conclusion 2016
- Public Inspection Notice 2016
- The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 - Regulation 10
Section 251 Budget and Outturn Statements
Local authorities are required under Section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit annually separate budget and outturn statements about their planned and actual expenditure. You can find Section 251 (previously Section 52 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998) budget and outturn statements from previous financial years below.
The Section 251 budget statements provide information on the local authority's planned spending. This includes how much the local authority intends to spend on:
- The schools budget
- De-delegated items
- High needs budget
- Early years' budget
- Central provision within the schools budget
- Children and young people's services
The Section 251 outturn statements provide information on the authorities actual spend on:
- Expenditure on schools and the amount spent on education centrally
- Expenditure on children's and young people's services including: sure start children's centres and early years, children looked after, other children and family services, safeguarding children and young people's services, family support services, services for young people and youth justice.
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