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In this section

Adult Residential Services For invoices associated with Adult Residential care services from 1st September 2017.

Building Control Payment Pay invoices associated with construction projects.

Business Improvement District Pay your Business Improvement District (BID) levy for services in addition to Business Rates.

Business Rates Please click to pay your invoices associated with Business Rates.

Council Tax Please click to pay your Council Tax for residents of Nottingham City.

Commercial Rent Pay your rent for an office, warehouse or other space used to run a business.

Commercial Waste Management Pay invoices associated with Commercial Waste.

Fixed Penalty Notices Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice you have been issued.

Housing Rents Pay Rents for Nottingham City Council/Nottingham City Homes Tenants.

Housing Benefit Overpayments Please click to repay overpaid Housing Benefits as detailed on your invoice.

Leaseholder Service Charges Pay charges associated with property maintenance, repair and other services.

Penalty Charge Notice Includes Parking Fines, Bus Lane offences and other PCN’s.

Sundry Debtors Invoices For invoice of goods and services with a reference that starts with a 7.

Sundry Debtors Invoices For invoice of goods and services with a reference that starts with a 8.