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Information for Voters with a Disability - Registering to Vote

Registering to Vote: Access a step-by-step guide for help with registering to vote here.

If you're unable to use the Register to Vote website, contact Electoral Services at 0115 876 4111 to register over the phone.

Voting in a Polling Station - At polling stations, we provide support for voters with disabilities, including:

  • Accessible venues.
  • Low-level polling booths for wheelchair users.
  • Large print versions of ballot papers.
  • Tactile Voting Devices (TVD) for blind and partially sighted voters.
  • Pencil grips, small handheld magnifiers, and highlighted ballot box slots.
  • Additional chairs for rest (where space allows).
  • Mobile phones can be used for text-to-speech apps, torches, or magnifiers.

Guides for Voters with Learning Difficulties and Autism:

British Sign Language video

Watch the Electoral Commission's British Sign Language video on voting at the polling station here.

Guidance for blind and partially sighted people.

The Electoral Commission has produced a guide containing information for blind and partially sighted people which can be accessed by clicking below. 

An audio guide of the above document can be found by clicking below. 

The TVD is applied to the ballot paper by a low tack adhesive strip, with numbered flaps aligning over candidate boxes.

Embossed numbered flaps aid identification by touch. The companion or Presiding Officer reads candidate names, or the voter uses a large print ballot paper.

To cast a vote, the voter lifts the relevant flap, marks the ballot paper, and places it in the ballot box.

Bring anyone over 18 as a companion to assist at the polling station.

Ask the Presiding Officer for help in filling out your ballot paper, ensuring the Requirement for Secrecy is maintained.

Casting Your Vote

Access the Statement of Persons Nominated on our website for candidate information before attending the polling station.

If you prefer not to go to the polling station, consider voting by post or proxy. Find more information below.

Casting Your Vote:

  1. Voting in Person: Click Here
    • Visit your designated polling station, indicated on your polling card.
    • Polling station opening hours are from 7am to 10pm on Election Day.
    • If disabled and in need of assistance, contact the electoral registration office for support.
  2. Postal Vote: Click Here
    • Apply for a postal vote if you prefer to vote by mail. More information can be found on our Postal Vote page.
    • Access the Voting by Post Guide
  3. Proxy Vote: Click Here
    • Nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf. Details are available on our Proxy Vote page.
    • Access the Voting by Proxy Guide.

The Electoral Commission has created the following video outlining the process of voting by Postal Vote. 

Please note this video was created before the introduction of voter ID. From the Election on 4th May 2023, a person voting as a Proxy will need to bring a suitable form of photo ID in order to be issued with a ballot paper. 

Contact us

Electoral Services
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 0115 876 4111

Contact Us Online
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