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Elective Home Education

Parents have a responsibility to make sure that their child is educated. Most children attend school for their education, but parents have the right to educate their child at home (home-schooling).

What is Elective Home Education

Before deciding to Home School, some things to consider:

  • You do not have to be a teacher, operate to a timetable or follow the National Curriculum (although you can if you wish)
  • You can bring in private tutors but you will have to pay the costs.
  • Costs for equipment, resources, outings 
  • Be prepared to assume full financial responsibility, including the costs of any public examinations.
  • The welfare of the child, for example will your child(ren) become isolated if they don't go to school, social skills with other children.
  • Time and Commitment
  • If your child has never been to school, or you are new to the area you do not have to inform the local authority

If you choose to home school your child.

If your child is registered at a School or an Academy, you must send a letter to the Head Teacher informing them that you wish to educate your child at home. The Local Authority will then contact you to ask for some basic information.

The following link is a departmental guidance from the Department for Education. It is non-statutory, and has been produced to help parents understand their obligations and rights in relation to elective home education. Click below to visit their page.

Supporting private candidates to access GCSE, AS, and A level grades

Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ)

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) are willing to support private candidates, including home educated students and adult learners, to access GCSE, AS, and A level grades this year.

Department for Education

The Department for Education is providing a private candidate support grant to centres of £200 per private candidate entry, so that candidates can access a centre at a similar cost to a normal exam year.

The list covers centres offering GCSE, AS, and A level, while for other general, vocational, and technical qualifications, candidates should approach the awarding organisation directly for assistance.

Contact us

Education Welfare 
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158762965

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