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Power Issues |

We currently have a power cut at our head office which is affecting our phone systems and online services. 

The City Council is committed to improving the condition of local roads and footways within neighbourhoods in Nottingham.

Our roads are very important. They help the city's economy and provide social and recreational benefits to everyone.

Because our roads are so valuable, we need to manage them well to ensure they are affordable and high-quality.

The documents below explain how we take care of our roads now and how we plan to improve them in the future.

We check our roads regularly to make sure they are safe and free from problems that could cause accidents or delays.

Our new Highway Safety Inspection Manual explains how we do these checks, following the rules in the Code of Practice.

Nottingham City Council aims to provide a Highways Winter Service which, as far as reasonably practicable, allows the safe movements of vehicular traffic on the primary highway network, while minimising delays and accidents directly attributable to adverse weather conditions.

The aim of this document is to describe how the highway winter service is set up to provide for the winter period and how it is expanded to cope with more severe weather.

Winter Service Plan

The Highway Incentive Fund helps local councils take care of their roads and other assets. More money for maintenance is given based on how well they manage these assets.

The Department for Transport gives out this money each year. They decide how much each council gets based on a questionnaire the councils fill out.

In 2021/22, Nottingham City Council was rated as a band three authority. This means they will get extra money to use with their regular maintenance funds.

We use a system to decide how to take care of and replace our roads and paths, following the rules in the Code of Practice. Every two years, we review this system to keep up with changes in transport needs.

This document:

  • Explains how we manage roads and paths.
  • Looks at how bad weather affects our roads.
  • Shows how we plan to improve our road management system.

Highway Maintenance Hierarchy & Resilient Network Strategy


Contact us

Network Management
Loxley House
Station Street

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