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Designated wheelchair accessible vehicles

Nottingham City Council is committed to promoting accessible transport services to all users, and to uphold the objectives of the Equality Act 2010.

You will find here our published list (Known as the Equality Act Section 167 List) of available vehicles designated for the purposes of section 165 of the Equality Act 2010 of all licensed wheelchair accessible vehicles that can be booked through the company that they work for, or obtained at local taxi ranks or hailed in the street.

The following responsibilities are placed on drivers of Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles that have been licensed as designated wheelchair accessible vehicles:

  • To carry the passenger whilst in a wheelchair
  • Not to make any additional charge for doing so
  • If the passenger chooses to sit in a passenger seat, to carry the wheelchair
  • To take such steps as are necessary to ensure that the passenger is carried in safety and reasonable comfort
  • To give the passenger such “mobility assistance” as is reasonably required.

Mobility assistance essentially means helping passengers who use wheelchairs by providing physical assistance. If the passenger wishes to remain in the wheelchair, the driver must help the passenger to get into and out of the vehicle. If the passenger wants to transfer to a seat, the driver must help him or her to get out of the wheelchair and into a seat and back into the wheelchair; the driver must also load the wheelchair into the vehicle. The driver must also offer to load the passenger’s luggage into and out of the vehicle.

Unless a driver has been granted an “Exemption Notice” by the Licensing Authority on the grounds that he / she is medically unable to provide the above assistance, then an offence is committed if the duties imposed are not carried out as required. In such instances, the Council will investigate any complaints received about the lack of assisting wheelchair users and / or those accompanied by guide / assistance dogs, and will take the appropriate enforcement measures in accordance with our Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy.

Should you wish to make a complaint about a driver, please contact us by email: 

Before commencing an investigation, we will require you to put your complaint in writing to us. When submitting your complaint, please provide us with as much detail as you can, including the time, date and location that the incident occurred, plus details of the vehicle/driver/company.

Please contact the Licensing Team if you have any further questions.

All Hackney Carriages (Taxis) licensed by the Nottingham City Council are wheelchair accessible.

Duties are also placed on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire drivers when driving licensed vehicles to carry guide dogs and other assistance dogs under the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 regardless of the designation on the 167 list.

Private Hire Operators

The following Nottingham City Council licensed private hire operators to provide wheelchair accessible vehicles:

  • Arrow A2B: 0115 956 5757
  • Central Cars:  0115 976 2222
  • County Cars: 0115 942 5425
  • DG Cars: 0115 950 0500
  • Nottingham Cars: 0115 970 0700
  • DJ Passenger Transport: 0115 849 4444
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