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Information about the Community Right to Bid and Assets of Community Value.

Under the Localism Act 2011, local community groups and organisations can nominate land and buildings if they think that they are of value to the local community.

The land is of 'Community Value' if, in our opinion, the current or recent main use of the property furthers the social well-being or social interests of the local community, and it is realistic to think that a future use (whether the same as the present use) could also do so. Only certain groups can nominate, and some properties are exempt from being listed.

If a property is placed on the list of 'Assets of Community Value', the owner cannot dispose of it without first letting us know. If we do not receive a request from a community group to be treated as a potential bidder within six weeks of the owner letting us know, they can proceed with the sale/lease.

If we do receive a request that a community group wants to be treated as a potential bidder, the owner cannot sell or lease the land for up to six months, giving time for the community group to prepare a bid.

The owner does not have to sell to the community group.

You can view our list of Assets of Community Value (including unsuccessful nominations) below.

The Local Plan team are hybrid working and so you are advised to make initial contact by emailing

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Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158764447

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