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Below are a collection of documents related to the Local Plan.

The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a technical study which assesses potential housing sites in the City. The City is actively looking for new sites, please submit via this SHLAA form.

Nottingham City Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), 2023

The SCI sets out how Nottingham's commitments to involving local communities, businesses and other organisations in all planning decisions. It identifies who will be consulted, in what manner, and when the consultation will take place. The Government requires this document to ensure that communities are appropriately involved in planning for their areas.

In line with recent changes to Government legislation, local authorities are required to produce an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS).

The IFS provides information on developer contributions, which are used to provide infrastructure to support development within the City to help mitigate development impacts.

Developer contributions is a collective term used to refer to planning obligations, which are used to secure financial and non-financial contributions (known as Section 106 or S106 agreements).

The IFS includes information on the contributions required and received, and how financial payments have been used.

An IFS will be produced at the end of each calendar year to report on the previous financial year. 

Further details along with the latest IFS can be found on the Infrastructure Funding Statement page

Nottingham Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)

We monitor planning policies as a statutory duty to check that these are having their intended effect and to make sure they are working for local communities. If any interventions are needed, these will be identified in the monitoring report.


The Local Development Scheme (LDS) 

Sets out timetables for when each of the planning documents will be prepared by the City Council. The City Council keeps the timetables set out in the LDS under review and reports progress in the Authority Monitoring Report.

Greater Nottingham Strategic Flood Risk Addendum

Published in September 2017, the addendum improves the quality of information available to highlight development constraints and opportunities for environmental enhancement. Further information, links to the document, and updated flood risk data can be found here.

This document is a background document to the Local Plan Part 2.and sets out the methodology and assessments used in the Green Belt review along with a series of maps showing the actual proposed changes to the Green Belt boundary.

What is the SELAA?

The Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment (SELAA) is a technical study which assesses potential employment sites in the City. It is prepared in collaboration with agents, developers, landowners and promoters of sites and establishes the availability and achievability of such sites.

The preparation of a SELAA is a requirement under the National Planning Policy Framework. However, it is not the purpose of the SELAA to allocate land for development - this is undertaken through the preparation of the Local Plan.

View The SELAA

The final combined full doc is here Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment (SEELA) 2024


Other SELAA Documents


Suggestions for new SELAA sites

Anyone can make a suggestion for a new SELAA site. A suggestion can be made at any time, which will be considered at the next SELAA update.

To suggest a new site, please contact the Planning Policy Team by email at

Further information

If you would like any further information on the SELAA please contact the Planning Policy Team by emailing


The Housing Land Availability report is an annual document that illustrates the City Council's housing land delivery and supply, as of 1st April each year. 

The current Housing Land Availability Report can be viewed by clicking the link below. 

Housing Land Availability Report

Download - Nottingham City Centre Time and Place Plan

The City Centre Time and Place Plan focuses on how the various areas of the city centre can be used in different ways.   The plan designates a new major development area - the Southern Gateway - as well as new city centre quarters, which are distinctive areas that complement the main shopping core, each with different patterns of day and night time activity.

This Nottingham Urban Design Guide (2009) promotes the highest standard of urban design and architecture in Nottingham City Centre.

The Design Quality Framework (DQF) is a series of guides to help you make better design choices for your building project and to meet Nottingham City Council planning requirements more easily. The framework is In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the National Design Guide.

The guides are applicable to all kinds of projects, from small scale domestic projects to large scale commercial developments.

Further details can also be found on the dedication Design Quality Framework website.

Nottingham Urban Design Guide

The Greater Nottingham Landscape Character Assessment provides evidence for Councils within the Greater Nottingham Area.  It is used to aid development control decisions on planning applications and to guide landscape enhancement where funding and opportunities allow.

This 2009 study relates to and covers the wider Nottinghamshire Area. If an area discussed within the study falls outside of Nottingham City's administrative boundary you are recommended to contact the relevant Local Planning Authority responsible for that area.

The following Landscape Character Assessments features are found within the Nottingham City boundary and are set out in further detail below.

The Local Plan team are hybrid working and so you are advised to make initial contact by emailing

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