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This page sets out the archive material used at the previous stage for the Publication Version consulted on between 29 January 2016 and 11 March 2016.

This document is called the Land and Planning Policies Document (LAPP). It contains both Development Management planning policies and site specific land allocations. It forms part 2 of the Local Plan along with the adopted Core Strategy which is part 1 of the Local Plan.
The 'Publication Version' follows on from the previous consultation including:
This was the version of the plan which the Council intended to submit to the Secretary of State. But due to some changes that the Council wishes to make before submission, a Revised Publication document has been published with full details available here.
Detailed below are the documents that were published at the prevised Publication Version stage

Land and Planning Policies Document - Local Plan Part 2 (Publication Version).

This is the main document and set out proposed planning policies to guide planning decisions. It also proposed land allocations for development.

Policies Map. This accompanies the LAPP and shows the boundaries of the sites and policy areas. These are referred to in the Development Management Policies. The map is split up into;

A separate interactive online policies map was also made available. Similar layers can be viewed together, such as "Transport" or "Historic Environment". You can also turn any of the layers on or off.  Note, those layers marked with an * are made separately to the Local Plan process and may be subject to change.  Data shown outside the Plan Boundary is not part of the City's Policies Map and may not be up-to-date. 
Listed below are the core documents that were published alongside the main document.
  • Sustainability Appraisal January 2016: Assesses the economic, social and environmental impacts of the planning policies and site allocations contained within the plan
  • Equalities Impact Assessment January 2016: Assesses the impact of the policies and sites within the Plan to remove or minimise disadvantages and meeting the needs of people with protected characteristics. We encourage people with protected characteristics to take partake in public life
  • Preferred Options Report of Consultation January 2016: Provides a summary of the comments for the Preferred Options version of the LAPP and the City Council's response to them. It explains how comments have been used to inform the Publication Version of the LAPP
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan January 2016: Identifies framework required to meet the objectives and growth for LAPP
  • Legal Notices, January 2016: These are the legal notices the Council has to prepare 'Statement of Representation Procedure' and 'Location of Documents for Inspection'

Details of the documents used in the preparation of the LAPP can be found in the Examination Library

Copies of the Publication Version comments can be found here.

If you have any questions or have any problems viewing the documents, please contact the Policy Team by email: localplan@nottinghamcity.gov.uk or telephone: 0115 876 4594.

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