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AssetPlus assessment tool

If you are given an Order by the Court, or referred to us by the Police, one of the first things we will do with you is start an assessment. Nottingham City Youth Justice Service use the AssetPlus assessment tool. AssetPlus has been designed to provide a full and detailed assessment allowing one record to follow a child throughout their time in the youth justice system.

Find out more about assessment and planning in the youth justice system.

As part of this assessment, we will work with you and the people that are important to you to think about and understand the behaviour you have been involved in. We will look at all the aspects of your life and current circumstances.

You and your family will be asked to complete your own assessment of who you are and what is important to you. We will explore how we can help you stay out of trouble and what support you need to get the most out of your life. We will work with you to develop a plan about the things that you think you need help with, to try and stop this happening again.

We can help with a range of areas, including:

  • Communication – making sure that you have a voice and are heard.
  • Education, Employment and Training – helping you get back into school; education, training or employment.
  • Drugs and alcohol work - helping you understand your substance use and how it affects your behaviour.
  • Health - support in relation to emotional wellbeing, mental health and physical health; including helping you managing emotions and trauma, and with accessing further support.
  • Use of time – helping you develop a skill or get involved in something you are interested in.
  • Staying Safe – helping you understand how to stay safe and supporting you to do so.
  • Restorative Justice– Increasing your understanding of how what you have done effected other people, and helping you repair any harm that has been caused.

Contact us

Nottingham City Youth Justice Service
Nottingham City Council Children’s Integrated Services 
Loxley House, Station Street
Nottingham, NG2 3NG

Tel: 01159159400

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