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Nottingham City Council has announced the closure of parts of Lenton Business Centre following the emergence of significant fire safety concerns. A recent Fire Risk Assessment concluded the existence of a series of significant safety issues which have resulted in the difficult decision to close the business centre, effective immediately.

Whilst no decision regarding the long-term future of the site has been made, the assessment highlighted critical concerns regarding fire doors and compartmentalisation throughout the Howitt and LBC1 Buildings, which whilst now known, present a significant risk to life in the event of a fire. The emergence of these issues requires the Council to take immediate action in line with its statutory and regulatory functions to prevent risk to life. 

It is clear throughout this process that there have been a number of historical issues relating to the management and maintenance of the building. In the last year, the Council has put into operation a new Corporate Landlord Services Model which centralises all aspects of property management including health and safety into one consolidated function. It is through the operation of this new model that these historical issues have become known and which now must be acted on.

The Lenton Business Centre is home to approximately 80 businesses, community organisations and charities, many of which serve as vital resource for Nottingham’s diverse communities. However, having considered the severity of the issues identified, the Council has determined that immediate closure is unfortunately necessary to address these risks and ensure the safety of all occupants and tenants.

Nottingham City Council is committed to working closely with all affected tenants to provide immediate support and will actively work to explore all available options to address the issues identified. The Council is currently taking the necessary steps to conduct a comprehensive survey which will determine the full extent of works and costs required to address the outstanding issues. Once this has been completed, all viable options will be considered in consultation. 

This decision was not taken lightly, and whilst a hugely challenging situation for all affected, the Council’s fundamental duty is to safeguard the wellbeing of its tenants and residents. Nottingham City Council is committed to engaging and working with affected stakeholders and will continue to explore all available options to address the issues identified. The Council has established a dedicated Growth Hub inbox and email address for tenants so that it can provide one-to-one support and advice to affected businesses, including direct support on relocation whilst immediate safety issues are addressed. For more information on direct support, please contact the team on

Links to further information including Fire Risk Assessments:

Lenton BC Closure Public Presentation

NCC Lenton Business Centre FDS January 2025

NCC Lenton Business Centre FRA August 2024

Marcus Garvey Centre FRA January 2024

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