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Public Spaces Protection Orders. (PSPOs), are a range of powers and tools to help tackle anti-social behaviour locally. PSPOs aim to ensure public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour.

More information can be found on anti-social behaviour at GOV.UK (

Below, you can find the current Public Spaces Protection Orders in Nottingham.




The PSPO means that police or other authorised officers can require anyone behaving anti-socially in a public place to stop drinking and hand over their alcohol. In most cases, this works to prevent the nuisance quickly.

Reporting Issues, behaviour or other breaches of PSPOs

Click here to Report an incident

More information can be found about PSPO in City by clicking below. 

Further Information


Some public areas in Nottingham are covered by Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) - previously called Dog Control Orders (DCOs).

In public areas with PSPOs, you may have to:

  • Keep your dog on a lead
  • Put your dog on a lead if told to by a police officer, police community support officer or someone from the council
  • Stop your dog going to certain places - like farmland or parts of a park
  • Limit the number of dogs you have with you (this applies to professional dog walkers too)
  • Clear up after your dog
  • Carry a poop scoop and disposable bags

If you ignore a PSPO, you can be fined

Dog control: Reporting Issues, Stays, fouling

You Can find more information on reporting dogs, fouling and strays by

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