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Intermittent Phone Line Issues |

We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with our phone lines. If you are unable to reach us, you can contact us online. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

What is the role of the Education Welfare and EOTAS Service?

In Nottingham City, Education Welfare Officers work closely with schools and families to resolve attendance issues. Government research shows a clear correlation between regular attendance at school and pupil progress and achievement. The Education Welfare and EOTAS (Education Other Than At School) Service provides best practice regarding school attendance. We offer support and training to help improve whole school attendance and reduce the number of persistent absentees.

Schools will refer pupils to the Education Welfare Service if:

  • A pattern of irregular attendance, lateness or persistent absence is worsening
  • It has not been clearly demonstrated that parents are fulfilling their legal responsibility for ensuring their child attends school regularly (see School Attendance

Other duties related to attendance which are undertaken by the Education Welfare and EOTAS Service include:

For more information, please contact the Education Welfare and EOTAS Service.

Our mission is to make available high-quality information, guidance, and timely intervention. To provide excellent, fair and transparent services, resulting in positive outcomes for the children and young people of Nottingham City.   

Contact us

Education Welfare & EOTAS Service
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158762965

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