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School Transport Bus Pass

Nottingham City Council encourages all children to walk from home to school for exercise and health; if this is not possible, then the journey to school should have careful consideration for both parent and pupil when choosing a school.

If Walking Is not an Option

  • The Council would prefer pupils to use public transport instead of a car.
  • Bus and tram services pass nearby to every school in the City of Nottingham.
  • Bus and tram operators offer discounted tickets to children aged under 16 years.

In some cases, the Council may offer help with travel if the school your child is attending is the designated school (the catchment school) or the nearest school to your home address. This is dependent on the age of your child and the distance from your home to the school. If support is offered, it will be in the form of a bus pass.

The Department for Education has published a blog post on free school travel:

The blog post aims to support parents’ understanding of the national eligibility criteria and to answer some commonly occurring questions. 

Nottingham City School Transport Policy

The following PDF Document contains more information about the 'Home to School Travel Assistance Policy.' Click the button below.

To find a school in Nottingham City, please see Choosing a School

By law, we must calculate the nearest school using the walking distance from our home when making decisions about free travel.

Important Note - The nearest school by walking distance may not be the nearest school ‘as the crow flies’, which is the measurement used when deciding how to fairly allocate places when a school is over-subscribed. 

  • Under 7 Years - Transport will only be considered if the pupil lives more than 2 miles walking distance from their designated school
  • Aged 8 to 11 - Transport will only be considered if the pupil lives more than 3 miles walking distance from their designated school
  • Aged 11-16 - Transport will only be considered if the pupil lives more than 3 miles walking distance from their designated school

Low-Income Families

Support with transport will be provided to eligible pupils who are in receipt of Free School Meals or whose parents are in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit.

  • Aged 8 to 11 - If their designated school is over 2 miles walking distance from their home address
  • Aged 11 to 16 - Transport is provided for any of the 3 nearest available secondary schools to their home address if these schools are more than two miles walking distance and less than six miles driving distance away from home
  • Aged 11 to 16 attending faith schools – Transport is provided if they travel between 2 and 15 miles to their nearest available school. If you chose the school on the grounds of religion, belief

For more information and eligibility for Free School Meals, visit our Free School Meals Page

Apply for Home to School Bus Pass

Completing this service should take around 10 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Child/Pupil Details
  • Parent or Carer Details
  • Details of any benefits child receives 
  • School Details

Please note you will be asked to upload documents to support your application. By not uploading or having incorrect documentation your application will be delayed or rejected.

These documents may include proof of school application and/or proof of low income. You may find it helpful to have electronic copies of these to hand before you start the application process.

Apply for Home to School Bus Pass

Contact us

Passenger Transport Operations
People’s Directorate
Building 5 Woolsthorpe Depot
Woolsthorpe Close
Call: 01158761780

Special Educational Needs Service
Building 5 Woolsthorpe Depot
Woolsthorpe Close
Call: 0115 876 4300

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