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Better Lives Better Outcomes is Nottingham City Council’s ambitious new strategy and sets out how care and support are provided for older and disabled people in the city.

Nottingham needs a sustainable social care system to help people live better lives. Despite an increase in demand for health and social care services, funding has fallen significantly in recent years, so maximising the effectiveness of the money we spend is more important than ever.

To be sustainable, we need to be:

  • Supporting people to do what they can for themselves
  • Helping friends and families to provide the best possible support for each other
  • Providing connections to others who can help from within Nottingham’s caring communities

The four themes in the strategy will underpin our approach:

  • Prevention: promoting healthy lifestyles and intervening early when people’s well-being is at risk to avoid crisis and loss of independence
  • Community Connections: ensuring citizens can connect to the resources and support in their local neighbourhoods, ensuring no one is socially isolated and lonely
  • Independent Lives: supporting personal and community resilience, strengths and resources, reducing dependence on council funded support where possible
  • Choice and Control: seeing the citizen in the driving seat, shaping solutions around the outcomes that matter to individuals

Feedback received during a two-month public consultation period helped shape the strategy, and the Council’s Executive Board approved this in November 2018.

You can read a summary of the strategy or download the full strategy below. 

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