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Someone to speak for you: Advocacy

If you struggle to manage your care, speak up for yourself, communicate clearly, access information, or remember important details, an advocate can help you with these things.

An advocate is a person who can help you make decisions or communicate your wishes.

An advocate is not there to provide information and advice.

Advocates can help you with any of the following:

  • Access information and services
  • Be involved in decisions about your life
  • Explore choices and options
  • Defend and promote your rights and responsibilities
  • Speak out about issues that matter to you
  • Be there and speak for you when meeting doctors, social workers, solicitors, banks and other professionals
  • Help if you disagree with your carer
  • Help when you're discharged from, or admitted to, a home or day centre
  • A second voice when being assessed or reviewing your care needs
  • Understand and remember important information
  • Use that information in daily life

The service supports people with the following:

  • Physical and Learning Disabilities
  • Autism
  • Mental ill health
  • Sensory impairment
  • Social or health care needs
  • NHS health complaints

Advocates you know

You can choose who can support you in getting your voice heard in various situations. Your advocate could be any of the following:

  • A family member
  • A friend
  • Someone from your community
  • A member of a faith group

How do I get support from an advocate?

POhWER delivers advocacy services in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. 

Visit: Pohwer
Tel: 0300 4562370

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