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What Support is available to me?

Nottingham City Council's Adult Social Care Services

If you need some help to get around the home, do simple tasks or need to see what help and support you can receive to make your Daily Living easier, then the Social service can help by providing an assessment to look into your needs

Nottingham Health & Care Point

If you need advice on where to get help and support, including what's available on care, disability, stroke, nursing services, community services, speech and others. Then by Calling the Health and Care Point, you will speak to someone trained in health and social care. In that case, they will understand the call and know where to get help if they can't resolve it themselves.

If your query or concern is urgent and is outside these hours, please call the Emergency Duty Team on 0115 876 1000

Nottingham Autism Support Service

Supported Living

Supported Living is accommodation-based support, where ongoing assistance is provided within a citizen’s accommodation. Personal support plans are created for the individual which can include anything from support for a couple of hours a week right through to a comprehensive 24 hours a day service - depending on the citizen’s needs. Each citizen has their own tenancy for their home, and they are provided with assistance to maintain this and budget for their household expenses.

Independent living communities (sheltered housing)

We have independent living communities (sheltered housing) in most areas of the city. The communities consist of self-contained homes, each with their own front door. There are one and two-bedroom flats, and bungalows.

Housing Support

The Housing Support service offers services for people to obtain or maintain their tenancy and to remain independent.

Shared Lives

Shared Lives offers accommodation and support, including short breaks, within approved family homes for people aged 18 and over whom have a learning disability.

Counselling Directory provides a confidential service that encourages those in need to seek help and to connect individuals with qualified counsellors in the UK. The site contains information on the common reasons people turn to counselling, as well as articles, news, and events.

If you are receiving Adult Social Care services and you're considering moving to, or moving away from Nottingham City we want to make sure that this care and support continues. We call this 'continuity of care'.

For more information on continuity of care please click below to download our PDF document.

NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group, Nottingham City Council and Nottingham CityCare Partnership are working together to integrate adult health and social care services as part of a five-year programme to improve and streamline care for citizens.

Integrated care aims to 'join up' health and social care to meet the needs of an ageing population and transform the way that care is provided for people with long-term conditions, enabling people with complex needs to live healthier, fulfilling and independent lives

Some people in Prisons or Approved Premises need support to do the everyday things that most of us take for granted. The social care system provides this support for those who need it, to help them keep their independence and dignity.

To find out how to access this support please see our document below.

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