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Power Issues |

Following last weeks power cut some of our phone systems and online services are still affected. 

You can appeal your PCN online or by post to Parking Regulation and Compliance, PO Box 10169, Nottingham, NG1 9HS. We do not accept appeals over the telephone

Please ensure that you include; the PCN number (NG xxxx xxxx), the vehicle registration number, your address and telephone number.

View your Penalty Charge Notice online

View your PCN

Before you decide to appeal a PCN

Please take a look at our advice pages which offer help for each contravention code, the code can be found on your PCN.

Appeal a PCN Online

Completing this service should take around 15 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • The PCN number (NG xxxx xxxx)
  • The vehicle registration number
  • Your address and contact details 

Appeal a PCN Online

What happens next

If the Penalty Charge is enforced, the reduced sum of either £25 or £35 will be accepted within 14 days of the reply, only if the original appeal was received within 14 days (21 days for bus lanes since May 2022) of the notice being issued.

Otherwise, the full charge of either £50 or £70 will be requested (Bus lane contraventions are £70).

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