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Welcome to the Highway Support for Developers webpage. This page provides you with essential information and guidance on how to plan, design, and deliver highway-related aspects of your development projects in Nottingham. 

 Please browse through the sections below to learn more about the topics and objectives of this page.

Workplace Travel Plan - Travel planning help for local developers wishing to expand or build new workplaces

School travel plans - In the case of schools wishing to expand, relocate or those who are part of Building Schools for the Future, it will usually be a condition for planning permission that the school has a travel plan

Our design and build section has worked on a large number of quality contracts and improvements. You can employ us to undertake a variety of functions including:

  • Highway civil engineering,
  • Structural drainage and traffic signal design,
  • Traffic and pedestrian management,
  • Data collection and
  • Project management

Highways can act as a liaison source for contacting statutory undertakers and other organisations on your behalf

A benefit is the ability to provide a construction delivery service. This includes the supervision of works and the construction of multi-disciplinary highway schemes.

Planning Applications

Highway Development Control ensures that new developments do not have a negative impact on Nottingham City's highway network

The Local Planning Authority (LPA) has the power to refuse or accept development proposals. It is the Highway Authority's role to assess whether a development will have an impact on traffic and road safety.
When considering a planning application or development proposal, there are three options available to the Highway Authority:

  • Offering no objections to proposals,
  • Request planning conditions to be put in place
  • Request refusal of the planning application

Statutory Agreements

Approved planning applications are subject to conditions and legal agreements.

This can include:

  • An agreement to contribute to local facilities,
  • An agreement between the developer and the council for any works to be conducted on the Highway
  • Or agreement to cover the cost of developments whereby a new highway is to be created

We advise developers to discuss these issues with the Council's Highway Development Control at an early stage. This avoids delays at the formal planning stage.

For further information please contact Highways Development Control on 0115 876 5231.

Useful External Links

Contact us

(10am to 3pm only Monday to Friday)

Tel: 01158765238

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