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The City Council is committed to improving the condition of local roads and footways within neighbourhoods in Nottingham.

Area Capital Fund

The City Council continues to invest in improving local areas, including footways, with local communities across Nottingham. The Area Capital Fund is an area-based budget and schemes are determined by ward Councillors.

Nottingham’s highway infrastructure is hugely significant and provides a vital contribution to the economic health of the City, as well as making an important contribution to the economic success of the wider conurbation. Furthermore, it provides a range of social and recreational benefits to our citizens.

The highway infrastructure is certainly our most valuable asset, it is essential that our highway infrastructure is managed in an efficient and effective manner in order to deliver an affordable quality of service that our citizens require.

The documents below describe how our highway infrastructure assets are managed now and to identify aspects for improvement across in the future.

Highway safety inspections are designed to ensure the network is safe and routinely checked for defects, which may have the potential to create injury or disruption to users of the highway network.

The new Highway Safety Inspection Manual sets out Nottingham City’s approach to the safety inspection process outlined in the Code of Practice

Nottingham City Council aims to provide a Highways Winter Service which, as far as reasonably practicable, allows the safe movements of vehicular traffic on the primary highway network, while minimising delays and accidents directly attributable to adverse weather conditions.

The aim of this document is to describe how the highway winter service is set up to provide for the winter period and how it is expanded to cope with more severe weather.

Winter Service Plan

The Highway Incentive Fund aims to improve local authority asset management capabilities, with an increasing proportion of maintenance funding allocated through this process.

The Department for Transport announced the allocations of funding through the maintenance incentive fund for each local authority. These allocations are based on a self-assessment questionnaire that the local authority provides each year.

For 2021/22, Nottingham City Council is scored as a band three authority. The allocation will be used alongside the core maintenance funding.

Both the maintenance hierarchy and resilient network are being used to support the management, prioritisation of, maintenance and replacement of highway assets in line with the guidance provided in the code of practice, Well-managed Highway Infrastructure will be subject to a two-year review to ensure they consider changing patterns in modes and priorities in transport.

This document:

  • Explains how the Council has considered the carriageway and footway asset groups and how the maintenance hierarchy for those assets has been derived.
  • Considers the effects of severe winter weather, major storms, flooding and high winds continued to disrupt Highway services
  • Sets out how Nottingham City has developed its maintenance hierarchy and resilient network

Highway Maintenance Hierarchy & Resilient Network Strategy


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Network Management
Loxley House
Station Street

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