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Street Party

What is a Street Party?

A Street Party is:

  • A resident-led, outdoor party
  • Involves closing the street where the party is to be held
  • Only tables and chairs would be required
  • No alcohol is sold, and no regulated entertainment is at the event
  • The expected attendance would also be low (residents, close friends and family)

Guidance Documents

Click below to download documents that contains information and advice on organising a street Party

Further advice can also be found by visiting Street party website


Play Streets

What is a Play Street?

A Play Street event is a resident-led, outdoor activity for the purpose of children's play.

The street is temporarily closed to through traffic (except emergency vehicles) and vehicle access is restricted but not stopped as residents take turns to 'marshal' cars needing access to or from their properties.


Further advice can also be found at Playingout Website.


We do not charge for assisting local resident-organised street parties where there is no commercial or business element to the event.

We can advise you through the steps you need to take. As an applicant, you should be aware that you are fully responsible for planning the event, and you will need to:

  • Organise consultation with neighbours affected.
  • Apply to the council for a formal road closure notice
  • Place the correct signs and barriers on the road to make sure your road closure is safe
  • Clear away any rubbish and equipment at the end of the party at the time you mentioned.

A Temporary Play Street Order allows a group of residents to close a road on a regular or scheduled basis for supervised children's play without the danger and inconvenience of through-traffic.

As applicant you should be aware that you are fully responsible for planning the Play Streets event

In addition

  • Tell everyone on your street about the event to get maximum involvement
  • We do not charge for processing temporary play street orders.

Apply for Street Party or Play Street Temporary Road Closure (TSO)

Completing this service should take around 10 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Completed consent form and rejections 
  • Map of the road closure area
  • Event / Activity details and dates
  • A completed Statement of Responsibilities Form

We require sufficient time to assess your application please submit your application to us at least 6 weeks prior to your event. We need to coordinate road closures across the city. To do this we require sufficient time to assess your application and to review what else is planned in the surrounding area. 

Apply for a Temporary Road Closure
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