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Intermittent Phone Line Issues |

We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with our phone lines. If you are unable to reach us, you can contact us online. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

There are two types of Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) you can appeal against:

  • Parking contraventions
  • Bus lane contraventions

If you have made a formal representation against a Penalty Charge Notice and do not agree with the decision we have given you, you can make an appeal to the independent adjudicator or Traffic Penalty Tribunal. You must do this within 28 days of the date of the Notice of Rejection being served. You must use the form that we provide when you receive your Notice of Rejection.

Adjudicators are appointed jointly by all relevant local authorities, with the agreement of the Lord Chancellor, and are completely independent. They have a judicial position and should be treated accordingly.

The adjudicators' decision is final and binding on both parties. You can get more information about the enforcement of parking tickets, as well as parking and bus lane regulations for councils in England (outside London) and Wales that are in the Civil Enforcement Scheme by visiting the PATROL website.

More information on how to appeal can be found on the Parking Penalty Tribunal website.

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