Nottingham City Council Allotments
Nottingham has a variety of allotments across the city which we have divided into Direct Let, Association Allotments Sites and Private Allotments.
Nottingham has a variety of allotments across the city.
- Direct Let - these allotments are managed directly by the City Council, and we rent these out directly to Allotment tenants.
- Association allotment sites - are managed by volunteer groups for the benefit of their members and Allotment tenants. An Association run site can vary its rents and tenancy agreements according to their constitutions. Some associations have a shop, social events, and machinery hire.
- Private Allotment – these are privately owned, and the City Council have no responsibility for their management.
The 2024 charge for a Direct Let, Council allotment plot is 46 pence per square metre, per year. If the site has access to a water supply, then this will be an extra charge and calculated dependent on the site’s water usage in the previous year. For example, a 250sq metre plot will cost £115.00 per year, plus the water charges if applicable. Association run sites will have different rent rates to the Council
We currently have a high demand for allotments in the city and there is a long waiting list, which is operated on a first come, first served basis. If you are interested in renting an allotment we can put you on the waiting list, and we will contact you as soon we have plots available.
The current waiting list varies from site to site and is from around 2 years up to as much as 5 years for a few sites.
If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please take a look through our “Allotment Information Pack and Handbook” and complete the online allotment application via the link below.
Click here to download the
- Allotment Information Pack - NCC Allotment Information Pack
- Tenancy Handbook - which details all the Do’s and Don’t of Allotment gardening - NCC 2024 Allotment Handbook, Regulations, Concessions And Charges Info
If you want to give up your allotment, contact the NCC Allotment Team, who, after receipt of your written application to surrender your tenancy, will inspect your plot to indicate if anything needs doing, before the keys can be handed back.
If you become ill and cannot look after your allotment, contact the NCC Allotment office to discuss ways of managing your allotment until you can garden again.
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