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Waiting List

We currently have a high demand for allotments in the city and there is a waiting list, which is operated on a first come, first served basis. If you are interested in renting an allotment we can put you on the waiting list, and we will contact you as soon we have plots available.

If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please take a look through our Allotment Information Pack and complete the online allotment application form below.


The cost of a plot will be 46 pence per square metre, per year. If the site has access to water then this will be an extra charge and calculated dependent on the site’s usage in the previous year. For example, a 250sq metre plot will cost £115.00 per year plus the water charge if applicable

Giving up Your Allotment

If you want to give up your allotment, contact the Allotment Team who, after receipt of your written application to terminate your tenancy, will inspect your plot to indicate if anything needs doing.

If you become ill and cannot look after your allotment, contact the Allotment Officer to discuss ways of managing your allotment until you can garden again.

Apply for an Allotment

Completing this service should take around 5 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Your full address
  • Contact details

Please read the application fully and fill in all your details. We have a very long wait for allotments in the City, once we have added your details to the list we will email you a confirmation. It may be some time, at least 12 months before you hear from us again offering you a plot

Apply for an Allotment

Further Links

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