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Share Your Thoughts on the Council |

We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

Volunteers are an important and valued part of Nottingham City Council, and we appreciate that you have chosen to volunteer with us. We will do our best to make your volunteer experience enjoyable and rewarding. We aim to be flexible and supportive. We believe that the volunteer relationship is built on trust and mutual understanding. This agreement outlines what you can expect from us, and what we hope in return from you during your volunteering placement.

By volunteering with us, you agree to:

  • Read, understand, and comply with safety and confidentiality instructions and guidance, including staying safe.
  • Carry out your role reliably to the best of your ability, aiming to be punctual and informing relevant persons if you are unable to volunteer as arranged. 
  • Stay in touch with your Volunteer Supervisor/Manager to discuss your role and any queries or issues that may arise, so these can be resolved. 
  • Not act beyond your role and report any safeguarding concerns to your Volunteer Supervisor/Manager.
  • Adhere to the Volunteer Code of Conduct (detailed below)
  • Agree to Nottingham City Council securely storing information (in line with GDPR) about you in electronic and paper format to be used for communication and monitoring purposes.

We, in Nottingham City Council, will:

  • Provide a named member of staff for you to remain in contact with for your role who will be your Volunteer Supervisor/Manager.
  • Provide any information you need to carry out your activity.
  • Offer regular, ongoing support appropriate to the role and the experience of the volunteer.
  • Give you feedback and respond to feedback you give us, taking your ideas and opinions on board.
  • Respond to any complaints or grievances as soon as possible. 

Please note: this agreement is in honour only and is not a legally binding contract of employment. Any breach of the agreement may however result in the end of the volunteer placement. As a volunteer there is no obligation upon you to undertake work for Nottingham City Council nor is Nottingham City Council under any obligation to provide you with work.

Nottingham City Council is committed to providing a safe, enjoyable, and fulfilling experience for our volunteers, staff, and customers. We especially seek to safeguard our customers who are vulnerable due to their needs or circumstances. This Code of Conduct sets out the principles which we ask all volunteers to follow. If a volunteer is unable to fulfil any points below, the volunteering placement may unfortunately need to end. 
  • Please treat residents, staff and fellow volunteers with respect and dignity
  • Never discriminate against any person on grounds of sex, race, religion, age, sexuality, gender etc, or on the grounds of social standing.
  • Please respect the values, spiritual beliefs and lifestyles of all people and do not enforce your views or beliefs on others.
  • Aggressive, threatening, offensive or suggestive language or behaviour is not at all accepted.
  • Please be aware of and respect personal boundaries with staff and customers and do not give unwanted attention either verbally or through text messages, email, social media etc.
  • You should act honestly and with integrity and do nothing which might bring yourself or Nottingham City Council into disrepute
  • Please only carry out tasks outlined in your volunteer role description unless agreed with your Volunteer Supervisor/Manager.
  • Do not attend your volunteering duties under the influence of alcohol or drugs and do not consume alcohol or drugs whilst carrying out your role.
  • Information regarding individuals or Nottingham City Council must be treated in confidence and only used for the purposes for which it has been gathered and must not be shared except where authorised to do so.
  • If you receive a complaint you should speak to your Volunteer Supervisor/Manager as soon as possible to ensure it is addressed in line with Nottingham City Council’s Comments, Compliments and Complaints (3C’s) Procedure.


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