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LAPP submission 

This page acts as an archive of the Submission Version of the LAPP.

LAPP Examination

Local Plan Part 2

This document is called the Land and Planning Policies Document (LAPP) and contains both Development Management planning policies and site specific land allocations. 

This page is for archive purposes.  All information regarding the Examination can be found Examination pages.

The ‘Submission Version’ follows on from the previous stages of the Local Plan preparation including; the ‘Revised Publication Version’, 'Publication Version', 'Additional Sites Consultation' 'Issues and Options stage' and 'Call for Sites'. A number of changes were proposed to be made by the Council to the Revised Publication Version of the plan prior to submission. The Submission Version is the document submitted to be examined by an Independent Inspector.

No consultation will take place on the proposed changes as contained in the Submission Version at this stage. Rather, these changes, along with any other main modifications the Inspector may wish to make through the examination process, will be consulted upon prior to final adoption of the plan. 

Detailed below are the documents published alongside the Submission version. Some of the documents are quite large and may take time to download subject to internet speeds.  If you have any problems viewing any document, please do get in touch (contact details below).

Land and Planning Policies Document - Local Plan Part 2

This is the main document and sets out proposed planning policies to guide planning decisions and also proposes land allocations for development. It shows the proposed changes as tracked changes to the original Revised Publication Version, September 2017 with additions in blue underline and deletions in strikethrough.

The Policies Map – will accompany the LAPP to show the boundaries of the site allocations and policy designations it refers to. The map is split up into;

The above maps are the Revised Publication version.  Some changes have been proposed to this Policies Map and these are shown in the Schedule of Changes to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Submission Version, March 2018.

An interactive online policies map is also available. This groups together similar layers which can be viewed together such as "Transport" or "Historic Environment" and it is possible to turn any of the layers on or off.  This interactive map replicates the paper version of the LAPP Revised Publication Version Policies Map along with additional amended layers which together make up the Submission Version Policies Map. Where layers have been altered both the Submission Publication and Revised Publication Versions (shaded in pink) are shown to allow comparison.

Legally Compliant

A plan is considered legally compliant when it complies with the various regulations that govern how it should be prepared. Key issues the Inspector will look at include

  • Whether it is in the Local Development Scheme
  • Whether community consultation was carried out in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement
  • Whether the requirements of the relevant Regulations have been followed
  • Whether the appropriate notifications have been made
  • Whether a Sustainability Appraisal assessing social, environmental and economic factors has been completed and made public
  • Whether the document has regard to the Sustainable Community Strategy for the areas it covers
  • Whether the requirements of the Duty to Cooperate have been met


When testing the soundness of the Local Plan Part 2 the Inspector will consider a number of different factors. These are whether the Local Plan Part 2 is 'positively prepared', 'justified', 'effective' and 'consistent with national policy' and are known as the 'tests of soundness'.

Positively Prepared

This means that the Plan has objectively assessed the need for homes, jobs, services and infrastructure and these will be delivered where sustainable.


This means that the Plan is based upon a robust and credible evidence base and supports the choices made in the document.


This means that the Plan will deliver what it sets out to do, will actually happen and the required infrastructure can be provided.  The various landowners and stakeholders who will deliver elements of the Plan have also signed up to it and the Plan joins up with the strategies of neighbouring authorities.

Consistent with National Policy

This means that the Plan accords with the National Planning Policy Framework or provides clear and convincing reasons for doing something different.

Listed below are the core documents.

Publication Version

Revised Publication Version

Submission Version

Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2), Publication Version, January 2016

Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Revised Publication Version, September 2017 - shows the proposed changes as tracked changes to the original Publication Version, January 2016

Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Submission Version, March 2018 - shows the proposed changes as tracked changes to the Revised Publication Version, September 2017


Schedule of Changes to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2), Publication Version, September 2017 – this sets out the proposed changes between the Publication Version and the Revised Publication Version.

Schedule of Changes to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Submission Version, March 2018 - this sets out the proposed changes between the Revised Publication Version and the Submission Version.

Schedule of Changes to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Submission Version. Appendix 1: Schedule of Contextual Layer Changes to the Revised Publication Policies Map, March 2018, March 2018

Sustainability Appraisal January 2016 assesses the economic, social and environmental impacts of the planning policies and site allocations contained within the plan

Sustainability Appraisal Addendum September 2017

Sustainability Appraisal (Submission Version) Addendum 2, March 2018

Equalities Impact Assessment, January 2016 - assesses the impact of the policies and sites within the Plan with the aim of removing or minimising disadvantages, meeting the needs of people with protected characteristics and encouraging people with protected characteristics to participate in public life

Equalities Impact Assessment Addendum, September 2017,

Equalities Impact Assessment (Submission Version) Addendum 2, March 2018

Preferred Option Report of Consultation, January 2016 - provides a summary of the comments received on the Preferred Options version of the LAPP and the City Council's response to them. It explains how comments have been used to inform the Publication Version of the LAPP

Report of Consultation for the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Publication Version, (Draft Regulation 22 Statement), September 2017)

Report of Consultation for the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Revised Publication Version, (Regulation 22 Statement – Part 2)March 2018

Infrastructure Delivery Plan, January 2016 - identifies infrastructure required to meet the spatial objectives and growth anticipated by the LAPP

Infrastructure Delivery Plan, September 2017

Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Submission Version, March 2018

Legal Notices, January 2016 - these are the legal notices the Council has to prepare ('Statement of Representation Procedure' and 'Location of Documents for Inspection')

Legal Notices, September 2017

See Examination Library (Core Documents)


Details of the documents used in the preparation of the LAPP can be found in the Examination Library.

Consultation comments received at both the Publication and Revised Publication stages can be viewed here.

Contact us

Planning and Building Control
LH Box 5
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158764594

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