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Meadows Ward

Meadows Ward

Your Local Councillors are


Michael Edwards (Labour)

Michael Edwards (Labour)
Telephone: 07876 203352


Eunice Holland Regan (Labour)

Eunice Holland Regan (Labour)
Telephone: 07974857800

Ward Surgeries

Councillors hold regular surgeries in their ward to which members of the public are invited to attend if they have a particular concern which they feel their local councillor can help them with. Times, dates and venues of ward surgeries are listed here.

Surgeries are held at:

Meadows Library
Every Wednesday 10:30am - 12pm 


Each Ward receives a small budget each year to support projects, activities and events which benefit the residents in the ward.  Non-profit making organisations can apply to the Resident Development Team for small amounts of funding from these budgets if they meet the necessary criteria. See the Ward Budgets Criteria PDF. Please contact your Locality Resident Development Team for more information.


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